Corrupt Seeds Bring Forward Rotten Fruit

These days when you pull up the news, you are just about guaranteed to get heartburn. I have come to expect, the news today will be worse than yesterday. Actually, the news headlines yesterday set us up for the news headlines today.

We are simply programmed by the media today, to accept tomorrow’s headlines.

Some of these thoughts rolled around in my head this morning as I went through the news. I want to show you what I am talking about. We are going to rewind the clock a bit, then bring you to the present to see how the media spins us into the global anti-God agenda.

Remember this one?

Those Who Get Vaccinated Deserve More Freedom

Back in January, the Financial Times said,

“Those who get vaccinated deserve more freedom.”

When that headline came out, boy, everyone was set back.

We all said, “that’s ridiculous, no one would go for that”…

Yet, that was one of many seeds that have been planted into our mind.

Today, people are losing their jobs if they do not get vaccinated. They are losing their livelihoods and the means to provide for their families. All over a virus with a 99.9% survival rate. It’s quite unbelievable for someone who actually dives into the data behind the virus.

Yet, before the Financial Times made the aforementioned statement, we were told in Spring of 2020, that if we locked down for just two weeks, we could get past this COVID thing.

How is that working out?

So within just these few statements, we can see how we have been strung along. We can see how we are entertained with one simple idea, which is actually a part of a web in a much larger plot.

Let me show you something else.

Australia: We Will Never Go Back To Normal

This radical, Australia’s chief medical officer Dr. Kerry Grant just said, ‘Australia will never go back to normal, we will have to engage with booster shots’.

It just gets worse.

Mind you, Comrade Grant recently said, there will be contact tracing in the “new world order”.

Here’s the not going back to normal bit.

That is pretty concerning whether you are vaccinated or not.

Look at this next one.

Sydney’s Unvaccinated Warned Of Social Isolation When Covid-19 Lockdown Ends

Remember now, Australia is supposed to be a western nation, you know, freedom…

Yet, they appear to be the largest testing grounds of radical globalization in the world.

New South Wales state Premier Gladys Berejiklian said,

Sydney residents who are not vaccinated against COVID-19 risk being barred from various social activities even when they are freed from stay-at-home orders in December.

Watch it yourself.

Freedom in Australia is dead.

Notice, the theme in all of this.

Global COVID precautions were placed before us as a security measure. In the name of peace and safety, we do these things they told us. Yet, peace and safety causes destruction when it comes from the government.

It seems I read that somewhere once, (1 Thessalonians 5:3).

So as we look back in time, we can see we arrived at this moment in history slowly, but surely. We, the people of the world have arrived at this point in history as we embraced one idea for the next. We became conditioned to the narrative, until the narrative consumed us completely.

Now I am not just talking about COVID here.

Panama Government Warns White House: 60,000 More Illegals Coming For Border

Yes, every agenda and point of discussion in the media serves some purpose for the powers who control those media entities.

Illegal immigration has been an issue for more years than I can recall. Yet, as time went on, it became less of an issue for Americans. In fact, the more we talk about a subject, the more we become numb to it, and just give up and let go.

The concept of allowing some illegals in was yet another seed of destruction that was planted into our minds. Remember that. Illegal immigration was once unthinkable, today, it’s the norm.

Just days ago, Americans were outraged when 15,000 illegal Haitians showed up in Del Rio, Texas. Biden promised to deport them to Haiti, instead, he imported them to towns near you.

We got to this point in history through compromise, when compromise is a word that should have never been used. We do not compromise with law breakers, just as your government is not compromising with you over the lack of a COVID shot.

But I digress…

So what of those Haitian hordes?

Panama’s foreign minister warned Wednesday that up to 60,000 migrants, many of them of Haitian origin, are making their way through the Central American country toward the US-Mexico border — threatening the Biden administration with a fresh illegal immigration crisis.

NY Post

Why does Panama not enforce their own border?

They are destitute and corrupt like many others in South America. We don’t know all the reasons, we just know it’s happening, and your U.S. Government is going to let them through. There are no borders in this nation any longer, these illegals will be let in.

They will not be vaccinated, they will board a plane, they will live in a city near you, and you will pay for it through taxation. That is what we know for certain.

So then, Americans have become the enemy of their own nation. We are booted from our jobs for refusing a vaccine, while lawbreakers can come into this once blessed nation, and enjoy the fruits of your labors.


Where have I heard that before?

So that is just a minor sample of how we have accepted one thought for the next, which leads us to accept ideologies that we never would have accepted. We are like the frog in the hot water that boils to death, as the heat is slowly turned up over time.

This brings me to my next point.

No First Amendment For You!

I remember back in 2013, Senator Lindsey Graham wasn’t sure if bloggers deserved ‘first amendment protections’. I knew back then, we were in trouble. This was going to be one of the next legs to drop on our world.

Do you realize most Americans check their phones 96 times a day?

I don’t think we are learning how to be wiser on them my friends, I think we are accepting more seeds of destruction into our minds.

I digress, again…

Yet, those days of old set us up for today’s news event…

YouTube Is Banning Prominent Anti-Vaccine Activists And Blocking All Anti-Vaccine Content

YouTube is taking down all channels and videos that expose any form of anti-vaccine sentiment.

How about that for free speech?

We always knew it was going in that direction, but when our video got banned, we said that’s enough and stopped supporting YouTube and discontinued placing our works there.

You may not actually think using a free platform like Google and YouTube is supporting it, but it is, and you are.

There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world my friends.

Google operates and makes money by harvesting your data. So you trade your data, for a service. That is why Google is so powerful these days. Their computer systems have billions of people to learn from via data collection of their search engine, YouTube, and other platforms and services you use.

In fact, you are tracked around the web. So they learn what sites you like and don’t like and what you are more likely to purchase. It’s quite literally a multi-billion dollar business.

In fact, Google’s new search algorithm is going to be 1,000 times more powerful than their last update. It will also keep you glued to Google’s content longer. So we can thank ourselves for this. We can thank ourselves that we helped create the Google’s and YouTube’s which now restrict us from sharing our point of view.

Just remember,

If you are not paying for the product, you are the product!

How Did We Get Here?

So how did we get here?

We obtained this morally destitute world by listening to what morally destitute people have to say. We entertain it, and soon, it became our “new normal”. Once we accepted that seed, our enemies ensured it was well-watered to grow into what it has become today.

That brings us to this moment.

What will the next moment bring us?

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