COVID-19: Asymptomatic Transmission Never Occurs, Study Of 10M Finds

A study published by the Nature Research Journal concluded, individuals who are asymptomatic (test positive for SARS-CoV-2, but feel no symptoms) never transmit the virus!

This is groundbreaking, earth shattering news!

The entire premise for the global lockdowns was to “stop the spread” and to prevent COVID-19. Months ago, we were told 86% of all infections are asymptomatic. Due to that, our world shutdown, and governments suddenly required their citizens to wear masks to “stop the spread and do their part”.

This new study from China, the U.K., and Australia concludes that out of 10,000,000 million participants, there was never a single case where an asymptomatic person passed COVID-19 to someone else.

There was no evidence of transmission from asymptomatic positive persons to traced close contacts.

Nature Research

Never, not once, ever, period.

How about one more quote from the study?

All close contacts of the asymptomatic positive cases tested negative, indicating that the asymptomatic positive cases detected in this study were unlikely to be infectious.

Nature Research

Not only were they unlikely, it never happened. Not a single time. This was a study conducted in Wuhan, China. The location believed to be the source of the virus.

The CDC Lies

The facts are very simple, people who are asymptomatic do not spread the virus. However, the mainstream media, and the United States Center for Disease Control (CDC) has lied to you by stating,

Masks are primarily intended to reduce the emission of virus-laden droplets (“source control”), which is especially relevant for asymptomatic or presymptomatic infected wearers who feel well and may be unaware of their infectiousness to others, and who are estimated to account for more than 50% of transmissions.

CDC: Scientific Brief

Based on nothing but hot air, the CDC blamed asymptomatic people for more than 50% of all COVID-19 transmissions. “Misinformation” like this spread like wildfire and flipped our world upside down.

Yet, this same CDC also said masks do nothing to “stop the spread”, and may even be harmful to your health.

So they are wrong on both accounts as we have just documented.

We should also remember, it was the CDC who said only 9,683 Americans actually died of COVID-19, while the mainstream media told us the number was over 160,000+! The CDC even said, COVID-19 has a 99.98% survivability rate. You have to dig for this information though, how convenient.

There Is “No Evidence That COVID-19 Created Any Excess Deaths”

Further, according to CDC information that was complied together by Dr. Briand of Johns Hopkins University. COVID-19 is not responsible for any excess deaths in our nation, year over year!

Meaning, roughly the same amount of people died last year from medical conditions as this year.

That means, the medical establishment has simply recategorized deaths in our country (and around the world) to COVID-19. They have been able to do so as the CDC authorized hospitals to label a death as COVID-19 if it is “suspected or likely” all without any test or other suspicion. All in an effort to make it appear as if there is a pandemic, when in reality, there is not.

The evidence continues to mount, COVID-19 is an extreme exaggeration. It is high time that we stand up and take off our masks. That we start demanding our politicians immediately cease and desist these illegal mandates, and the President himself remove the National Emergency he declared.

Make A Stand

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