The COVID-19 Narrative Continues To Fall Apart

After nearly two years of scare from an “invisible enemy”, the narrative behind the COVID-19 pandemic continues to fall apart around the world.

As it turns out, the final nail in the coffin is COVID itself.

The Omicron variant…

You know the story.

Omicron is highly transmissible, but it’s far less deadly than the Delta variant. Oh, and Delta has a 99.9% survival rate, (*says with a 😏 eating grin*).

So here’s the nail

Nearly two years ago, vaccine peddling Trump and Fauci said, ‘Ah when we get a vaccine, things will be a-okay!’ It turns out, that was not true.

Who is shocked?

Nevertheless, the world trusted their illustrious leaders at the time. They donned their masks, took their jabs, and shamed anyone who didn’t comply.


COVID cases soared like an eagle!

They soared and soared to new records. That is about the time when everyone threw their hands in the air and asked, “What’s the point?”

That is, except for your most radical socialists and dictators, like comrade Biden.

Yet, the world is beginning to come out of their COVID hangover.

Since most populations have a majority vaccinated, on top of masking. It becomes obvious, you cannot “stop the spread”. It’s like trying to stop the annual flu, good luck with that.

So here are some of the latest headlines that prove the narrative is falling a part.

Crumbling COVID Narrative Goes Mainstream

Governments can no longer tell us about spiking cases, when nearly everyone lives to tell the tale. Governments can no longer demand we take jabs as they simply don’t work.

The record COVID numbers prove it.

Hey, if the vaccines worked, then COVID should have gone away. Yet, it continues to mutate as viruses always do. So, there will always be a variant, and it’s time to call it for what it is.

A virus that is equivalent to the annual flu.

Even the liberal mainstream media is saying that nowadays.

Lest you try to COVID shame me, don’t forget, from the beginning, it was the CDC who said,

“Most people have mild illness and are able to recover at home without medical care.”


So now, we are going to hear less about cases, and more about hospitalizations and death.

That means, the fizzle of this crisis is real.

More Positive News

In light of these articles, I want to remind you about a few others. Lest you forget by getting sucked into fear, doom, and terrorrrrrr…

Oh, but there is more…

Denmark Media Outlet Admits: “We Failed”

In fact, one of the largest media outlets in Denmark has apologized to their readers for “hypnotically” trusting the government’s COVID narrative.

In their article titled, “We Failed” they state,

For ALMOST  two years, we – the press and the population – have been almost hypnotically preoccupied with the authorities’ daily coronatal.

WE HAVE NOT  been vigilant enough at the garden gate when the authorities were required to answer what it actually meant that people are hospitalized with corona and not because of corona. Because it makes a difference. A big difference.

This is absolutely stellar to see.

Yet, not one government official, media outlet, or healthcare professional should be let off the hook. If our world is right and true, people who perpetuated the lie should be greatly punished. Especially Big Tech, who has made it their job to be the gatekeepers of truth.

It’s no wonder why CNN’s ratings have plummeted. People to a large degree are tired of hearing about COVID, when their neighbors are doing just fine.

However, there is still plenty of doom to be had in the world.

Not all nations have removed the lockdowns, and Australia’s Luna Tick is still in power.

Radical Democrats

Then we have some radicals out there. These radical may even be worse than AOC…

Now I don’t know how you feel about polls, but according to Rasmussen polls:

  • 55% of Democratic voters would support federal or state governments who fine Americans who choose not to get a COVID-19 vaccine, (19% of Republicans)
  • 48% of Democratic voters think federal and state governments should be able to fine or imprison individuals who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications, (14% of Republicans)
  • 47% of Democrats favor a government tracking program for those who won’t get the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • 45% of Democrats would favor governments requiring citizens to temporarily live in designated facilities or locations if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine, (22% of Republicans)
  • 29% of Democratic voters would support temporarily removing parents’ custody of their children if parents refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine, (7% of Republicans)

Yes, these people walk among us…

Where is the humanity?

Whoever these Democrat and Republican voters are, they should all move to one area. Then they can govern themselves like communists if they want to.

The rest of us God fearing folk can get on with life and be free.

I tell you what, a lot of this has to do with mainstream and social media. It’s driving people crazy, it’s not benefitting us. No wonder the oldies are coming back!

My point here…

There are far too many voices out there telling you what to believe.

Go right, no go left.

Good grief.

Doesn’t it all get tiring?

There are so many voices telling us what to believe, we don’t even have time to process it all. We just jump from one thing to the next, it becomes, insanity.


Psst, here comes another voice…

In my mind, it’s going to take some time for this COVID show to wrap up. As we said in, As Agenda 2030 Roars To Life, So Does America’s Social Credit System, this wouldn’t go on forever.

However, it will be something else later.

It always is.

No matter what comes next, do me a favor…

Never let fear creep into your mind. I have seen it so much over these last two years it made my head spin. Fear makes you act irrationally once it grips you. It gives you tunnel vision, and it’s tough for most people to shake off.

If everyone is running left, go right. If everyone is running right, go left. The herd will do what herds do best. They run with the herd. You don’t ever want to be apart of a herd of any sort.

Just step away from the herd, and then you can see what they are running from.

If there is anything at all.

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