COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturers Are Exempt From Liability

According to NBC, medical activists in all 50 states placed banners over highways that read, “COVID-19 VACCINE MANUFACTURERS ARE EXEMPT FROM LIABILITY”.

That is absolutely true.

In fact, that has been true for many years now, long before COVID.

Reuters covered the topic in an article titled, AstraZeneca to be exempt from coronavirus vaccine liability claims in most countries.

If Vaccines Are Safe, Why Is There No “Warranty”

If vaccines are so safe, then why do the companies who manufacture the vaccine not stand behind their product?

We are talking about your body folks, the only one you get in this life. There are numerous documented cases of vaccines permanently damaging people for life. Lawsuits have been filed against such vaccine manufactures. This is all documented, remember the 1976 Swine Flu Vaccine?

Now think about this for a moment.

Would you buy a brand new car that did not have a warranty?

I mean you work hard for your money. Would you go lay down $30,000 – $40,000 for a new car with no guarantee that it will get you down the road?

I certainly wouldn’t, and we are only talking about $30,000 – $40,000.

Now ask yourself, how much more is your health and life worth than a $30,000 – $40,000 car?

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