COVID Was The Catalyst To Accelerate The Globalist Agenda

Many people know COVID was blown out of proportion. With government lockdowns now fading into the sunset, people are frantically trying to understand what it was all about.

Could government officials really be that foolish to lockdown the world over a virus with a 99.8% recovery rate?

Some of them certainly could be, and people do succumb to herd mentality, especially government officials. I simply state this for you to consider and understand, not everyone in the world is evil. Many people get suckered in or fooled into doing things.

Nevertheless, while you consider that question, we will analyze what we observe with our own eyes.

COVID Was The Catalyst

As we continue to disseminate news and events, we overwhelmingly see governments removing our rights, globally. We saw this during COVID, and we continue to see this within aspects of a new World Economic Forum initiative called, Global Coalition for Digital Safety.

What is important to understand, COVID was the catalyst used for more global control at an accelerated pace.

Months ago, we shared this quote from the World Economic Forum with you who admitted as much.

The global pandemic has shone a light on significant domestic and international weaknesses. It also exposed some of the myths and fallacies of conventions used to explain the world. Changes that were already happening have been accelerated, fulfilling in a few months what might have otherwise taken decades.

What Will The World Look Like After COVID-19?

COVID accelerated globalization at an unprecedented pace.

Do not read over that.

Now we see more changes being presented to us in the form of regulating online content, (see: Globalist Agenda To Regulate What Is ‘Created, Seen, And Shared Online‘).

In that article, we point out the World Economic Forum is concerned about, “what content people should be able to create, see, and share online”.

Put the two together.

These are some of the changes that have been accelerated.

Now factor in agenda’s like ID2020 and global initiatives like Cyber Polygon. Agendas that seek to make the globe more secure against hackers and completely transform the digital world.

Ironically enough, it seems not a day goes by where there is not a report about some massive hack against the corporate world.

Is it coincidence?

I will leave that for you to decide.

COVID Is About Control

The overall point here is, the entire world is finally coming out of COVID where we witnessed governments take unprecedented steps to curb people’s freedoms in the name of peace and safety. They continue to do the same thing today and have extended that to include “digital safety”.

That is not going to change, and you should remember our article, Rockefeller ‘Future Scenario’ Becomes Reality Of Coronavirus Pandemic.

We said many months ago, we will never go back to “normal”, and we never will. While things have been relaxed, COVID ignited the globalist agenda like never before.

COVID is our new 9/11.

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