Department Of Defense Releases COVID-19 Vaccination ‘Immunity Cards’

The Department of Defense just released the first images of a new COVID-19 vaccination record card. This new card will be included in the upcoming COVID-19 vaccination kits.

Anyone who receives the COVID-19 vaccine, receives a card that records their vaccination.

Everyone will be issued a written card that they can put in their wallet that will tell them what they had and when their next dose is due. Let’s do the simple, easy thing first. Everyone’s going to get that.

Dr. Kelly Moore, associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition

The CNN report continues,

Moore said many places are planning to ask patients to voluntarily provide a cell phone number, so they can get a text message telling them when and where their next dose is scheduled to be administered.

Every dose administered will be reported to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Claire Hannan, executive director of the Association of Immunization Managers.

That means there is a database involved that will record the vaccination records of all. We have all known this was coming for a while now.

Remember these headlines?

Why Is The Department Of Defense Involved?

Remember what President Donald Trump told Fox News months ago?

  • Trump: ‘We’re Mobilizing Our Military To Distribute COVID-19 Vaccine’

Many of us were set back by such a thought. Why would the military be involved in a civilian project? Many reasons and excuses were given.

However, the more we researched, the clearer the reason became…

On September 19th 2019, before COVID-19, President Donald Trump signed an “Executive Order on Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health”.

You can read about that in our article, Trump’s Executive Order “Predicts” COVID-19 Pandemic And Response.

The Executive Order states the vaccine production process is “insufficient to meet the response needs in the event of a pandemic“. Therefore “the Government must take action to promote faster and more scalable manufacturing platforms” for vaccines.

Under that guise, President Trump established a new illegal executive order and placed the Department of Defense in charge of any vaccination efforts should a future pandemic ever arise.

Just a few months later, and the COVID-19 narrative took the world’s stage, forever changing our world.

The Hyped Narrative

Friends, you really need to start asking questions and try to educate your family and friends. I know many of you are, but we are headed down a very dangerous road.

The mainstream media continues to explain we have record cases of COVID-19, record deaths, and hospitals are overflowing. Look, I worked for a hospital. Every flu season our hospital was overflowing. We had patients lined down both sides of the hallways in our ER and other patient floors at times.

By the way, we are in flu season.

Even during non-flu seasons, for whatever reason, our hospital would become hit with some illness and it would overflow. That is not out of the ordinary at all. So all this talk about overflowing hospitals is to be expected this time of year.

I would know, I have lived through it, and I worked in the environment.

Further, we know COVID-19 has a 99.98% recovery rate, and we know the CDC has said any death “suspected or likely” COVID-19, can be labeled COVID-19. As we just revealed, in our now banned video concerning research conducted by a doctor at Johns Hopkins, deaths overall in the United States have not gone up this year.

Clearly, the CDC’s recommendation to label deaths as COVID-19 if they are “suspected or likely” has skewed the death toll in our nation, and has made it appear as if COVID-19 is the cause.

No wonder the CDC told us only 9,683 Americans died from COVID alone back in August, when the mainstream media said 170,000+ died of COVID-19.

We are being psychological conditioned to accept a new reality that is unfolding across the entire globe. We no longer have any form of free speech within social media circles.

In fact, the only voices allowed are the voices they want you to hear, (see: U.N. Has 110,000 Volunteers To Push ‘Approved’ COVID-19 Information Online). Think about the impact that will have on your own psychological well being.

All the while we are continually told we need to change our way of life. We need to build back better (a globalist mantra), we need to be less of a burden on our planet, we need The Great Reset.

However, the people saying these things are not doing it. They are locking you down, destroying your business, your jobs, and your way of life while they take fancy vacations and dictate to you from abroad.

This is about control.

This is about bringing about the next phase of global government.

They are all in on it at some level. Your Republican and Democrat representatives. If they were not, they would stand against the lies. Instead, they help bring the lies forward by issuing them or by refusing to speak against them.

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