The Destruction of Syria and the Consolidation of Powers

There are articles flying  around cyber space claiming hundreds of thousands of troops have built up along the Syrian border including tens of thousands of tanks and planes ready for attack. Of course there are no sources for this information, but that does not stop people from getting caught up in the hype. The closest report I could find was the video below that say Saudi Arabia wants to send troops into Syria which was previously reported.

People really need to do a better job of fact checking material and start thinking for themselves. Do not blow with the wind. Use your own mind to make a determination built upon facts.

Syria has already been invaded and is currently under attack and they have been for years now. We have all seen the footage ourselves. Many of Syria’s cities are already a pile of rubble, so there is no news flash here.

Let me ask, do you see Russia building up and restoring Syria? No, you see Russia dropping bombs on Syria like everyone else. Most of the world is already controlled by the dark powers of this world. The nations being attacked or threatened are those nations that are not yet under the control of the globalists and the current world order.

The most interesting news today is the supposed, “cessation of hostilities“. There will not be peace in Syria, period. As long as there are terrorists fighting there you better believe the globalists are having things their way.

Why is this news interesting? Because of the following quote by U.K. Defense Minister Michael Fallon,

“This is a campaign that can’t be won by western troops doing the fighting. It can only be won in the end by local forces that have the support of the local population.”

Global powers have this all figured out and have planned it for years. Western powers through their own militaries, coalition forces and terrorist proxies have literally destroyed Syria. There is really not much left that can be done by an air campaign and it is nearing the time for a ground operation that will bring in a new local government. You are not going to see Russians or Europeans ruling the government. That would never stand with the people and Fallon knows that. This is why he said, “local forces” as they will be the only ones accepted by the population though I am sure they will rebel at first. In the end a new government will rise in Syria comprised of Syrians and approved by the global order.

The war in Syria has served many fronts. One, to remove Assad from power and establish a government preferred by the global order. Two, cause a mass migration from the middle east to the European nations. So not only do we see Syria’s destruction by these actions, but a compounded problem with the migration of middle easterners to Europe which has created a crisis there as well (as we have discussed prior, ISIS News And World Leaders Calls For A United World Against Terrorism).

None of this is by accident, it is not some mistake or misunderstanding. This is by design in order to continue to destabilize the existing power structure not only in the middle east, but ultimately to destroy the existing world order. We see this not only through war and terrorism, but through the global economic system as well.

While the current global order will become more consolidated as the days wear on it will eventually collapse and lead to a new world order that will consolidate not just governments, but every institution on the face of the earth.

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