Discarded Election Ballots Are Being Discovered

I have been waiting for this headline for a while now, and here it is. Election ballots are being “discovered” opened, and others ballots were found in roadside ditches. What’s the deal here?

Opened Military Ballots In PA

The DOJ announced they “discovered” nine military ballots that have been opened and discarded in Pennsyvania. Seven of these ballots contained votes for Donald Trump.

The DOJ is not disclosing where they found the ballots which I find interesting.

Why not explain where the ballots were found?

Mail And Ballots Found In Wisconsin Ditch

Another article explains three trays of U.S. mail including ballots were discovered in a Wisconsin ditch. The U.S. Postal Service does not know how they got there, but they are investigating.

Look, they know who was in charge of that mail, each mail person has their route, this is not going to be hard to figure out.

The Scoop

Here’s the scoop folks.

The President has openly cast doubt on the upcoming elections, even saying he may not leave office. Look, if our country was not locked down, we would not be in this predicament. As the saying goes, “you reap what you sow”, alright?

Now factor in this latest ballot development. We are being told the ballots of military personal were “discovered” by the DOJ.

How and where did they discover these NINE ballots?

Look, I think this is propaganda alright. I really do.


We know the military supports the President. So stories about military ballots being opened and “discovered” will stir up more doubt over the voting process and election results. Doubt that has existed for years I might add.

  • This story is designed to stir up those of us on the right.

Then we have three trays of mail and ballots discovered by the roadside. Obviously, the idea was not to hide the ballots here. If so, it would not have been found with three trays of MAIL.

  • This story is designed to stir up doubt over the elections overall, so we doubt the outcome whether we are left or right.

Look what we said earlier this month,

If Trump somehow loses the election, the right is going to be extremely ticked off. If he wins, the left. Look what has happened in our nation this year already… Nevertheless, the mainstream media is trying to stir all of us, left or right to take action against the other depending on who wins the election.

The Left Is Setting The Stage For A Coup If Trump Wins

Election Fraud Is Not New

Look folks, election fraud has been going on for years. Americans are well aware of voter fraud, and have doubted the process for sometime. Not that it makes it okay, but let’s not act like this is something new either.

We are simply being told of voter fraud so we all have doubt in our mind. So we all have fear, anger and hatred.

Look at this clip from an August 2019 article we posted about Americans faith in the electoral system.

If the candidate they support loses, nearly four in 10 said they would have little or no confidence that the election had been conducted in a fair-and-square way, setting up what could be a debate over the legitimacy of the next president.

Americans Dread The 2020 Election And Have Doubts About The Outcome

The current narrative was planted in our mind years ago, but specifically last year for what we are now dealing with. We have said for years, one of the goals of the globalists is to cast doubt over our politicians and institutions.

This way, we reject the system. This is not just occurring in the United States, but around the world. In one fashion or another, we are all being led to reject our current system so we embrace the new system that is forming under the surface.

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