Disturbing Details Of China’s Social Scoring System

You really have to spend five minutes and watch this video. France 24 interviews people in China and asks them about the social scoring system they have in place.

Listen to most of the people say China’s social scoring system is a great idea.

One citizen says,

It forces us to be well behaved.


It may seem scary, but it’s just like that here, we’re used to it, and anyway, we do not have a choice.

China’s social scoring system uses “big data” from the camera’s in the street, to your buying habits, and social media encounters. Just about everything you do digitally or otherwise in China is tracked, and held against you.

Say something against the government or wear flashy items, that’s a dig on your social score.

Praise the party line?

Well then, you get a social score increase!

Another Chinese citizen is interview who they say is a “model citizen”. She explained, she would never jay-walk.


As a good citizen, I respect the rules of the road, if I didn’t, I would lose points on my social credit.

Truly disturbing.

The interview goes on to explain, since this lady is a “model citizen”, she receives various discounts, one being half price to ride the bus. So if you pander to a dictatorship, you are rewarded.

Halfway through the video, it becomes more disturbing. They explain citizens with low scores, lose rights. Additionally, their faces and personal information is plastered across public screens in a mass shaming event.

Chinese citizens are then interviewed to explain how they feel about it.

One says,

They have to be condemned.


It is only right to pay your dues. You have to blacklist those who don’t.

A journalist who was black listed by the government explains,

Once you are blacklisted by the government, you cannot travel, get a bank loan, start a business, buy an apartment, or send your children to a private school.

If you do not conform to the government model, you are blacklisted which means life becomes very hard for you. There is no one to stand up for you, as there are rewards for touting the party line.

Do not think this cannot happen in the United States. Look what has already happened to our world in just 8 weeks.

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