Fed Digital Dollars, IRS Face Scans, And Retail Palm Reader Coming

Our world is becoming digitized faster than we can keep up.

These days, it’s artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency, biometrics, the metaverse, and driverless trucks. We have a lot of news and announcements that we need to talk about this morning.

Federal Reserve Digital Currency

The not-so-Federal Reserve Central Bank announced, they are seeking public comment on the possibility of launching a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

We have talked a lot about this.

Note: You can think of CBDCs as cryptocurrency, only controlled by the private Federal Reserve.

The Fed’s feedback form poses 22 questions for the public to answer. This questionnaire accompanied the official CBDC announcement.

I read through it and noted,

Consumers and businesses have long held and transferred money in digital form, via bank accounts, online transactions, or payment apps. The forms of money used in those transactions are liabilities of private entities, such as commercial banks. Conversely, a CBDC would be a liability of a central bank, like the Federal Reserve.

Today, your Credit Union or Bank holds your money.

If CBDC’s become a reality, then your money becomes completely digitized. There would be no paper dollars if it goes fully digital. Further, your “money” would now become a liability of the Fed Bank.

That means, you would have an account at the Federal Reserve where your “money” would be stored. Paper cash would be a thing of the past. Paper cash which is the last true element of freedom.

I glanced over the official Federal Reserve White Paper on CBDCs and found this.

The Federal Reserve Act does not authorize direct Federal Reserve accounts for individuals, and such accounts would represent a significant expansion of the Federal Reserve’s role in the financial system and the economy.

Now my friends, I don’t know what your persuasion is here, but let me tell you something.

Anyone willing to accept a digital Central Bank issued currency must be off their rocker.

Why do I say that?

I lived through the 2008 financial collapse as an adult. I know the damage the government including the private Federal Reserve caused. They printed new money that had no backing to bail out the megabanks and corporations who could not pay their bills.

For those too young to remember, and those with Biden’s cognitive ability, let me remind you…

That event destroyed your average Joe.

It made our dollars worth much less through inflation. Even worse, it bailed out the ultra-wealthy at the expense of the little guy.

Look, no one came to your rescue if you couldn’t pay your house or car note.


The only one who came was the Repo Man.

Fast forward to 2020 and what happened?

The not so Federal Reserve printed money by the trillions at the behest of fiscal conservatives like President Trump and socialists like President Biden.

I shouldn’t have to tell you the results of that.

Just go to the store to buy some food, go buy a car or home.

The inflated prices are a direct result of that money printing.

Yet, some want the Federal Reserve to create and be liable for a new digital currency that would most likely replace our paper dollars?

No thanks and you must be insane!

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.

Our dollars are already worthless, but at least I can carry them in my pocket and buy the kids some milk. In the future, good luck with that.

Think about all the censorship over the last two years.

You can easily imagine a world where you become locked out of the system if you do not comply with the government.

  • Do I really need to remind you of the Great COVID Con?
  • Do I really need to remind you of this inclusive BS?
  • Do I really need to remind you about Scripture?

Revelation 13:16-17
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

I mean, let’s get right down to it here people.

That’s where this sort of thing is going.

We may be 5, 10, 20, 40, 100 years away, who knows. Nevertheless, each day we continue to see the world move in this direction. Just as God told us would happen. Each day Scripture continues to be fulfilled.

Don’t tell me you went to sleep on the job?

IRS To Require Face Scan

Just last month, the IRS announced they have a new portal for you to login and handle IRS related paperwork.

Not only is the new portal outsourced to a third party, but it will require you to upload a photo of yourself in order to use the new system. Also, you must use the new system.

How about that for options?

The IRS website says,

Taxpayers will be asked to sign in with an ID.me account. If they already have IRS usernames, they can use their credentials from the old system to sign-in until summer 2022.

Here’s some more information on this madness.

Some 27 states already use ID.me to screen for identity thieves applying for benefits in someone else’s name, and now the IRS is joining them. The service requires applicants to supply a great deal more information than typically requested for online verification schemes, such as scans of their driver’s license or other government-issued ID, copies of utility or insurance bills, and details about their mobile phone service.

When an applicant doesn’t have one or more of the above — or if something about their application triggers potential fraud flags — ID.me may require a recorded, live video chat with the person applying for benefits.

Krebson Security

They all claim this is about security and safety…

Yet, how many times have we heard about these massive data breeches that reveal all your private information?

This is yet another disaster, another company who has more access to your information.

Did you get a say in the matter?


You just comply or else you cannot use the system.

Most people will not have an issue with this.

Personally, I do.

It’s more control over our personal information. It’s more hoops to jump through and worse yet…

It brings us that much closer to ID2020.

The great one online account initiative to access everything. It’s brought to you by your friends at the United Nations, and their Agenda 2030 initiative. Not to mention, it is subsidized by your government who funds the United Nations.

But wait, there’s more…

Amazon To Open Store With QR Codes And Palm-Scanning Checkout

The palm scanner is a service called, Amazon One.

Their website explains,

Sign up is quick. Really quick.
Just scan your palm, enter your mobile number and provide a credit card and/or merchant membership number.

Hover to identify yourself and pay.
Once you’re signed up, you can use your palm to enter, identify, and pay where Amazon One is available – it’s that simple!

Look at this.

Who else is creeped out?

I mean Revelation 13 is still on your mind, right?

So later this year, Amazon is opening a new 30,000 square foot retail space in Los Angeles.

* Boy the smash and grabbers are gonna have fun with this one. *

The idea is to make your shopping experience more automated. You know, less people to pay, more profit, you get the idea.

Do yourself a favor and watch their short advert on this.

So you need a phone and an Amazon app to make all of this happen.

What happened to the personal customer service touch?

That’s old school old timer, get outta the way they say.

Amazon is really setting the new standard for the new world we are entering. It’s a world of digitization as we have outlined in this article, and everyone is getting on board.

It’s the modern Tower of Babel.

The Great Reset

Those who have been paying attention. Those who have not become lost and distracted by rabbit holes know this is a part of a new world that is forming before our eyes. These things are a part of a new world order that is emerging little by little each day.

As nearly everyone is aware of by now, The Great Reset initiative brings these things to the forefront, out in the open so they can be accepted by society. Quite honestly, most people will enjoy most of these things.

As the World Economic Forum put it several years ago, “Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better”. While they removed that article, we made it available to you through the online archive. They even have “8 predictions for the world in 2030”.

Everything promoted in their works is what we see unfolding in our world.

Yet, Reuters fact checkers explain,

Despite repeated misinformation being shared online about the “Great Reset”, this sustainability plan proposed by the World Economic Forum is not a secret plot to end private property or create a totalitarian state.

At least they got some of it right.

It’s not “a secret plot”.

It’s a very public plot.

It materializes every time you see a historical statue come down in your nation.

It materializes every time you hear “diversity, inclusion, and fairness”. It manifests itself in organizations like George Soros’ “Open Society Foundations”. You can see the plan, and you can see it unfolding.

No Reuters fact checker can cover for that.

The idea is to erase the history of your nation in order to create a new world order.

Out with the old and in with the new.

These new world ideas do not work.

They have never worked.

Society has conformed to many of these globalist ideals, and they only make our world more divided and hostile. They are not helping, and that is the goal. To drive each one of us away from each other. To make our world more cold and dark, so it seems as if the only truth and hope descend from our appointed leaders.

Never rush this, but know it’s happening.

I’m not sharing this with you so you flip your lid and clamp your bucker lid tighter.

I am sharing this so you know what is going on. So you rationally voice your concerns to family, friends, and the (local) government.

If you don’t fight for what is right…

If you don’t fight for God, who will?

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