Feds: Coronavirus Vaccine Free For All Americans

That’s right, the Federal Government has come out and said the Coronavirus vaccine is free of charge! Don’t worry folks, you already paid for it in the form of tax dollars. Nothing is free in life.

Fox News reports,

The Department of Defense and federal health agencies have outlined plans for a coronavirus vaccine, which include having them available for free for all Americans.


In case you forgot why the Department of Defense is involved in this process, we covered that here: Trump’s Executive Order “Predicts” COVID-19 Pandemic And Response.

Fastest Vaccine To Market

By completion, this vaccine will be the fastest ever researched and brought to market.

Do you really trust that?

I certainly do not.

There has not been enough testing, certainly not long term testing to see if it’s truly safe or not.

CDC For The Save

If you thought that was good news, I have even better news for you…

The CDC says the U.S. should have enough coronavirus vaccine to return to ‘regular life’ by third quarter of 2021.

Yeah that’s right!

Another year of lockdowns, face masks, and social conditioning, I mean social distancing before we can “get back to normal”. Will there be anything left by then one must ask themselves…

The lies of this generation, how amazing they are. Just a few short weeks ago the CDC told us not even 10,000 Americans died of COVID. Yet, here we are talking about vaccines for the virus that never was.

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