Food Stamp Usage Climbs by 5.9 Million Since Coronavirus Pandemic Began

The government’s response to COVID has made us more dependent on the government. This is by design. Then we have the mainstream media which constantly explains we need more stimulus from the government in order to revive our economy.

Dependence on the government is not the answer to our problems. The answer would be, government removing COVID restrictions so people can get back to work and normal life.

I think we all know, at this point, that is not going to happen.

6 Million More Americans On Food Stamps

Instead, thanks to government, 6 million more Americans are on food stamps due to the manufactured COVID crisis.

In a recent Tweet, Trump blamed the Democrats for holding up a new $3,400 check to American families, as if that will really solve our problems.

That is simply a handout, and a great ploy to get re-elected. This will simply place the United States in further debt which they will be unable to escape from. It also makes other nations even more weary of holding U.S. debt which means, faith in the entire world order of today is waning.

All of the news leads to one common goal, the destruction of the current world order which will set up the beginning of the new world order.

  • They Are Planning The Great Reset
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