G7 Nations Must ‘Build Back Better’ In ‘Greener, More Gender Neutral, And Feminine’ Way

The G7 just ironed out the details around a global corporate minimum tax rate, now they are seeking to “build back better”. A slogan Biden, and the World Economic Forum have used to describe a reborn world after COVID.

You have to read UK PM Boris Johnson’s statement at the G7 forum.

“I think the inequalities may be entrenched. We need to make sure as we recover, we level up across our societies and we build back better,” the Conservative Party prime minister began in his remarks during a roundtable with world leaders at the G-7 Summit in Cornwall, England.

“And I actually think we have a huge opportunity to do that because as G7, we are united in our vision for a cleaner, greener world, a solution to the problems of climate change,” Johnson continued. “And in those ideas, in those technologies, which we are all addressing together, I think there is the potential to generate many many millions of high-wage, high-skilled jobs and I think that is what the people of our countries now want us to focus on.”

“They want to be sure that we’re beating the pandemic together and discussing how we’ll never have a repeat of what we’ve seen, but also that we’re building back better together, and building back greener and building back fairer and building back more equal — in a more gender neutral and perhaps a more feminine way,” the prime minister said, before concluding, “Those are some of the objectives we have before us.”

Daily Caller

This guy lost his man card if he ever had one.

These people do not represent most citizens in their nations. These are radical globalists who want to alter our way of life to conform to the United Nations 2030 Sustainability Agenda. That’s the one where the government and megacorps control everything and you are a pawn in the game.

It almost sounds like the last year does it not?

Regardless of your feelings about COVID and race. You didn’t get much of a say. No, the government, mainstream media, and the corporate world were too busy telling you what you had to believe to stay a part of society.

Folks, you have to understand, they are all in on the same game together. There is no honest media that is looking out for your best interests. Today, the media is owned by billionaires who are seeking to change the world, and merge the nations together via globalization.

Think of people like Jeff Bezos who own the Washington Post, and Rupert Murdock who owns Fox News.

The Root Cause

I laughed when I read Johnson’s comment about “high-wage, high-skilled jobs”. They always use that line. I mean who doesn’t want a high-wage job? So the fools get sucked into that line.

How about we look at the root cause of the problems here.

Why do we need more high wage jobs?

The cost of living is too high.

Why is the cost of living so high?

The governments of the world keep bailing out the banks and megacorps to the tune of trillions of dollars! Instead of those companies going belly up and someone else coming along and buying the pieces. Those companies just get bigger and stronger with your tax dollars.

Then the Federal Reserve supports the system through asset purchases of bonds and so on. This props up all sorts of markets, including the record housing market.

We’re going to talk about this tomorrow in the form of housing.

So we are told, Robinhood stole from the rich and gave to the poor. The government steals from the poor and gives to the rich.

But think about it folks. We constantly hear about these companies having record profits. If their profit margin was not so high, maybe we would not need all these “high-wage” jobs that never seem to materialize anyway. Don’t get me wrong, they exist, and if you work hard, you can obtain one.

My point here is, our government leaders are telling us to look left when we should be looking right. The mainstream media then presents this to us, and the people never wise up to the fact we are being led by the nose. They always tell us what will make things better, but things never seem to get better do they?

The gap between the middle and upper class just continues to grow and grow. I cannot tell you how many articles I have read that explains how small the middle class is today. I once saw a demonstration where they used cherry pies to visualize the wealth gap. The middle class had crumbs compared to the upper class which had the whole pie.

No one would argue the middle class drives America. Yet, the middle class cannot seem to get ahead.

For more on this, read Who Controls The World? and wait for tomorrow’s discussion on housing.

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