Google Is Censoring World Events and the Bible

We have heard a lot this year about censorship from search engine giant Google (YouTube) and social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter. The censorship has actually been proven time and time again. Unfortunately, World Events and the Bible is now being censored by Google as well.

Proof Of Google Censorship

I will prove to you that Google is censoring our site. This is not the result of our doing. In fact, we have made great strides over the years which has boosted our rankings across the various search engines.

Late last year and trending into this year, we actually saw the most traffic ever from Google, especially at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Unfortunately, traffic from Google has crashed tremendously in the last couple of months. Traffic crashed so fast, it made me start scratching my head. Especially considering the fact that traffic from search engines DuckDuckGo and Bing has increased.

So yesterday, I decided to do a little test…

I opened a private web browser and searched for “World Events and the Bible” on Google, DuckDuckGo, and Bing. Prior to this test, such a search would display our site #1 along with numerous other links to our site.

Here are the results:

Google Search Results

As you can see, our website is no longer in the first position where it has been for many years, ever since we purchased the domain name

In fact, our site does not show up until page 3! However, Google was kind enough to list our YouTube channel in the #2 spot, of course, YouTube is their product.

Let’s see how DuckDuckGo faired.

DuckDuckGo Search Results

A simple search on DuckDuckGo for “World Events and the Bible” shows our site in the #1 spot, just as we have been.

Lastly, let’s see what Bing displays for our site.

Bing Search Results

Not only does Bing place us in the #1 spot, but they also list several of our other pages right under our listing.

This is just how Google listed our pages for years and years, until the last few months.

Google Is Censoring World Events and the Bible

I can only conclude, Google has decided to censor our website. There is no other logical conclusion to make. We have done nothing to prevent our website from being listed and become deranked as we are now seeing.

I do not believe this is an algorithm change, this is a manual action. We have worked extremely hard over the years to ensure we apply Google’s best practices for the best search results. These practices helped us build better pages and content for our readers.

Now, those best practices seem to be thrown out the window when the content no longer fits the narrative Google seeks to push. Google no longer wishes to help you find the content you are looking for, Google now seeks to push the content they want you to find.

This is a dangerous precedent for the internet, one that is not going away. All I can do is recommend you use a search engine other than Google. The truth is becoming very scarce.

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