Gorbachev: Time To Revise The Entire Global Agenda

Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of Communist Russia is making headlines once again. He joins fellow globalist Henry Kissinger by calling for a New World Order, specifically, Gorbachev said we should “revise the entire global agenda”.

We continue to witness calls like never before to unite the world over a virus that has been blown out of proportion. We have a manufactured crisis to bring about a new world order.

The following is an excerpt of a question and answer with Mikhail Gorbachev who was interviewed by World Beyond War.

Question: Is it time yet for lessons learned? Do you agree that the world will never be the same?

Mikhail Gorbachev: Over the past five years all we’ve been hearing is talk about weapons, missiles and airstrikes. But is it not clear by now that wars and the arms race cannot solve today’s global problems? War is a defeat, a failure of politics! This common tragedy has reminded us of the futility of trying to go into hiding and sit it out, ignoring the threats that we face. In today’s world, no one can hope to go into hiding!

And so I’ll never tire of repeating: We need to demilitarize world affairs, international politics and political thinking and reallocate funds from military purposes to the purposes serving human security. We need to rethink the very concept of security. Above all else, security should mean providing food, water, which is already in short supply, a clean environment and, as top priority, caring for people’s health.

To achieve human security we need to develop strategies, make preparations, plan and create reserves. This should be the responsibility of national leaders and leaders at all levels.

I believe that preparations should start now for an Emergency Session of the United Nations General Assembly, to be held as soon as the situation is stabilized. It should be about nothing less than revising the entire global agenda.

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