Government Has Failed The People Once Again

What have they done this time you ask? The Republicans and Democrats agreed to raise the debt ceiling, and increase spending by $320 billion. Spending money we do not have.

This will now send the annual budget over the $1 Trillion mark.

“This was a real compromise in order to give another big victory to our Great Military and Vets!” President Donald Trump said.

How exactly was this a big win for our military and Vets?

Ask any Vet about a VA hospital, I dare you.

As for our active military, they are already the best in the world, the best hardware, and so on and so forth. This nation is in a continual state of war, all in the name of globalism.

It is not to protect our freedoms, because our freedom’s are not in danger… From those abroad…

What about a victory for the people?

The people have been conned into believing they have a victory.

Oh at times we are told we have received tax breaks, and maybe some of us have, but overall, Americans are now paying record taxes under a Republican government.

Now, add in the record debt, that just increased to a new record.

Don’t forget, we compound those problems with record illegal immigration.

The American people were promised no budget deal would be passed until a wall went up. No wall has gone up, but that did not stop more debt being piled on. Debt you and your family will pay for through those record taxes we talked about.

It’s The Democrats!

I know, I know. Some of you are saying, it’s “those stupid Democrats”.

Was it only the “stupid Democrats” who agreed to new debt deal?

Was it only the “stupid Democrats” who are allowing record numbers of illegal aliens into our nation daily, and then transporting them to our cities?

Did the “stupid Democrats” do that all by their lonesome?

Not quite.

When we had an all Republican House, Senate and President they still could not stop illegal immigration, or build a wall. Very telling I think.

You know why?

They don’t want too…

From the Republican Presidents own mouth.

We’re going to have a lot of people coming into the country. We want a lot of people coming in. And we need it.

It’s not a question of do we want [more immigration], these folks are going to have to sort of not expand too much. And if we tell them … these are very ambitious people around this table. They don’t like the concept of not expanding.

We want to have the companies grow and the only way they’re going to grow is if we give them the workers and the only way we’re going to have the workers is to do exactly what we’re doing. – Donald Trump

But hey, during the election you were promised illegal immigration would stop day one, and Mexico would pay for it. That was a lie.

A year or two later, we were told the military was going to stop the illegals. That was a lie as well.

We were told recently millions of illegals would be deported, instead, they got rid of 35.

In fact, there have been so many lies I cannot keep up anymore.

The lies come from both political parties, Democrat and Republican. I will add again, when the Republicans had full control, they did not stop spending and they did not stop illegal immigration and the Republicans still have the majority of power and what do we have?

  • Record Taxes
  • Record Illegal Immigration
  • Record Wars

We Are The Pawn

Unfortunately, we the American people are the pawn in all of this. We have our political teams, the Rs and the Ds and no matter what they do wrong, we always manage to look past it.

It reminds me of talking to “the guys” about a football game.

“Hey, we only lost the game because of that bad call. We had a blind ref!”

No matter the circumstance, we always find an excuse to justify the failure of our “team”.

You see it is much easier for us to just blame the problem on someone else’s team, ref, or what have you. This way, we do not have to accept blame and responsibility.

We simply make the “problem” someone else’s problem and we feel better about the failure. We feel better about ourselves and our team and we can move on in life having passed the “problem” onto someone else.

The thing is, the problem does not go away, because the other team, the other party is thinking the same thing. They have come up with some reason or excuse. They say, “those stupid Republicans” just as we said “those stupid Democrats”.

But the problem still exits, doesn’t it?…

Not only does it exists, but “the problem” just drove a wedge right between the American people.

“And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” – Jesus Christ, Mark 3:25

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