Historic US Peace Summit: North Korea Agrees To Denuclearize

US President Donald Trump and North Korean Chairman Kim Jong Un signed a historic peace agreement between the two nations at yesterday’s Singapore Summit. President Trump stated the agreement is very vast and promised more details will be released as the days wear on.

The biggest agenda item was that North Korea has agreed to ‘completely denuclearize’ the Korean Peninsula.

We are literally watching unprecedented history unfold before our eyes. Less than two months ago we discussed peace with North Korea and what the Bible has to say about that subject when both North and South Korean leaders meet.

The Signing

North Korean Chairman Kim Jong Un called the signing, “historic” and US President Donald Trump stated,

“We are signing a very important document, a pretty comprehensive document, and we have had a really great term together, a great relationship.” – Time of Israel

US Freezes Military Drills With South Korea

Following the conclusion of the historic meeting, Donald Trump halted military drills between the United States and South Korea calling them “provocative” with respect to the North.

This is also a historic move and a good gesture toward peace with the isolated nation.

Trump’s Interview With ABC

The following interview with ABC host George Stephanopoulos provides a candid look at the agreement and what it could mean moving forward.

Moving Forward

By no means is the rift between North and South Korea over, much less the world. However, we have entered a new phase on the global stage, one that could very well include North Korea being brought into the current global structure.

In my mind, due to the escalated nature of peace negotiations and where they have gone in such a short period of time (basically out of nowhere). Either North Korea complies, or war will break out.

One way or another, it appears as if North Korea will enter the fold of the globalists in one fashion or another.

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