Humans Have Broken Our Planet, We Must Eat Weeds!

The United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres issued a new and dire statement for the world. Guterres said, humanity has made “war” on the planet, and we must begin “making peace with nature” which includes eating weeds as we will explain.

Guterres goes on to say,

“To put it simply, the state of the planet is broken.”


The United Nations Global Agenda

Now this is all tied to U.N. Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. While it may sound good on paper, the finer details are disturbing. This agenda has been in the works for years and was once known as Agenda 21.

It’s no secret, people like Guterres are globalists who seek a global government. The much hyped COVID-19 pandemic has provided a perfect opportunity to spout globalist propaganda in order for us, that would be humanity, to change our ways.

The United Nations is also working with the World Economic Forum, you know, the folks who keep shouting about The Great Reset. Of course, the COVID-19 pandemic has provided the perfect opportunity to reset the world’s financial order and give us, humanity, an opportunity to start over, from green energy, to government, and so on.

Any walk down this path would be accepting some form of global government, so let’s see what that entails and how these globalists feel about the state of our world.

Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

Guterres continues explaining how dire the situation is for our planet, all due to our activity on it. I like to call that, “living”.

“We are facing a devastating pandemic, new heights of global heating, new lows of ecological degradation and new setbacks in our work towards global goals for more equitable, inclusive and sustainable development”.

Guterres must mean the COVID-19 pandemic which has a .02% mortality rate.

He must be talking about the man made global heating that has been melting the world’s glaciers for tens of thousands of years.

He must mean “equitable” and “inclusiveness” which is fairness and inclusion for anyone who agrees with their globalist agenda. Of course, there is no room for Christians who actually read the Bible and make no excuses for it. The only ones who will be included in these agendas are those who go along with them.

So much for being “inclusive”.

The Green Switch Of Recovery

Guterres urged the world to “flick the green switch” and transform the global economy into a “sustainable” one. He makes this recommendation now more than ever due to the damage caused by governments, I mean the pandemic.

“Covid recovery and our planet’s repair can be two sides of the same coin”.

A clear effort to use a (manufactured) crisis in order to bring about global change.

Now, this brings us to eating weeds in order to… save the planet. The World Economic Forum, tied to the U.N. has an article titled, “5 reasons we need to start nurturing – and eating – weeds”.

They start out by explaining,

Weeds can be nutritious and tasty, if we know which ones to pick.

The article then goes on to push this new agenda of eating weeds in order to decrease our carbon footprint and, say it with me…

“Save the planet”.

We Fund The United Nations

When we hear such radical thoughts we commonly point to the United Nations and laugh. We point at them, never looking at ourselves and our elected officials.

However, the United Nations exists due to the United States. In fact, the United States contributes to more than 22% of the United Nations budget. If the United States stopped funding the United Nations, they would no longer exist.

That means, your government is complicit in this global government coup. Your government leaders may tell you they dislike the United Nations, but they continue to fund them each and every year. You might want to think real hard about that.

A Disastrous Agenda

In just this one article, we can easily see how we are being manipulated to accept someone’s agenda. A global agenda to radically transform our world. As the days go on, the reasons to form this new global order will sound better, they will make more sense, and they will seem right.

However, I guarantee you, they will not be in your best interests. Today, we who live under the sovereign banner of these United States are seeing our rights stripped away, even though we have been provided with The Constitution.

Think then, how many rights will we have under a globalist umbrella, one that was brought about with the help of our own government…

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