Illegal Immigration, Globalism And Christianity

Lately, it seems like the news cycle never ends with reports about illegal immigrant caravans headed to the United States. The flood of illegal immigration has become so devastating Yuma, Arizona has declared a state of emergency.

I know many people feel the President is trying to curb illegal immigration, but the exact opposite is occurring. Unfortunately, for the American people, we are caught up in yet another political game.

Illegal Immigration And Globalism

There is no doubt in my mind, the next election will feature President Trump saying he will stop illegal immigration this time. We all know that is not going to happen at this point. Whether you believe this is because of the Democrats or Republicans makes no difference.

What is occurring in our nation is no different than what has transpired in Europe for more years than I can count. Recently, the war in Syria caused such devastation that it led to millions of refugees flooding Christian European nations.

That was a planned event by the globalists who use world leaders like Trump to fulfill their agenda. That may be hard for some to believe. I ask that you simply use your own eyes to see the truth for yourself. It is happening, our nation is being overrun by illegal immigrants. It does not matter if the leader is Republican or Democrat, the results are the same.

This, of course, turns our nation upside down. It divides the people so they cannot work together. It divides them to the point that many do not care about this nation and that is exactly what the globalist are looking for.

To divide and conquer so they can more easily institute their globalist agenda, a one world order which will eventually be led by Satan. The signs are there, things are falling into place, but it will still take time for them to accomplish.

We Are Christian First

In the meantime, I ask that you do not allow your Christian faith to become polluted over politics. Do not tear down a Christian brother or sister just because you may not align politically.

Christ comes first.

You know, I have heard it said, “God gave us a reprieve with Trump”. 

Personally, I have never read that in the Bible. I never read that a country who has become immoral including its leaders would be given a “reprieve”. However, I do recall Deuteronomy 28 where our Heavenly Father tells us a nation who turns on Him will be cursed.

The Word of God said cursed.

Now you can listen to men, you can make up your own fables if you like, but I am going to give it to you straight right from the Word of God.

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