Illinois Governor: ‘No Church Or Normalcy Until We Have A Vaccine’

The Illinois Governor has laid out a phased approach to re-opening the state he was elected to run. Churches of 50 or more have no place until the final phase, phase 5.

Phase 5 is called, “Illinois Restored”, and there is no planned date to restore Illinois to its former status.

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker had this to say,

“Here’s the truth, and I don’t like it any more than you do,” he said. “Until we have a vaccine, or an effective treatment … the option of returning to normalcy doesn’t exist. We have to figure out how to live with COVID-19 until it can be vanquished.”

Now that is the same line California Governor Gavin Newsom used just two days ago. ‘California is not going back to normal until there is a vaccine.’

Come on folks, what exactly do you think that means?

Over in Canada they just banned lots of firearms, and their Prime Minister is considering making the vaccine mandatory.

Something to think about…

A vaccine will not fix the problem, it will have to be administered to you in order to correct the problem in the eyes of our law-breaking government officials.

Are you going to accept a vaccine?

Hey, it is your choice, do as you wish. Personally, I refuse.

No one is sticking any needle in my arm over this thing. The Coronavirus response has been completely blown out of proportion. Trillions of dollars have been lost, jobs, our freedoms, you name it all due to reckless government intervention.

We also know Trump is rushing through the vaccine, it will be the fastest produced vaccine in world history. It will beat the former record by about 4 years! Will it be safe? We can look at past government vaccines to find that answer.

So no, I am not going to allow a government to tell me what I must do with my own body. That is where I draw the line, period, end of story.

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