I’m Wearing A Cloth Mask To Stop A Virus

We came across this meme the other day and cracked up. Most people are wearing a mask just like the guy in the photo. A piece of cloth over their mouth and nose which does NOTHING to stop the spread of the virus.

This shows just how uneducated our population is, and how easily they can be conditioned to do whatever the television tells them to do.

Here are 5 reasons why you should not wear a mask.

The only mask capable of preventing virus particles from being inhaled is an N95 type mask. Try breathing through one of those all day and tell me how concerned you are about “protection”. I tell you what, I am eagerly awaiting summer to see how many mask wearers still exist. I estimate as the temperatures go up, mask wearing will go down.

I have a crystal ball dontcha know!

In an attempt to be helpful, even if you are wearing the proper mask. You need to change it regularly. You cannot keep using the same one over and over. That will actually help spread the virus, not prevent it.

Folks, just think before you do something. Since we are thinking for a moment, why exactly are we locking down healthy people?

In a quarantine, you lock down the sick, not the healthy. This is the first time in history we have locked down the healthy. That should tip you off, this is not about a virus, this is about control over the people on a global scale.

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