Is The Federal Government Slowly Implementing Martial Law?

During the illegal COVID-19 lockdowns, we saw the federal government flex its muscles and lead the charge by promoting the lockdowns to begin with. This was done primarily by parading hack doctors like Anthony Fauci before the public.

This led to massive public panic as the mainstream media drove fear into the mind of the unknowing public.

In the months since the lockdowns, riots began to overtake our nation. One crisis after another has unfolded since then. During this time, rumors were swirling the federal government may impose Martial Law.

We never saw that, though we did have soft Martial Law in the form of the illegal COVID-19 lockdowns.

Federal Government Overstepping Their Bounds

A month ago, there were rumors the Feds were picking up people in unmarked cars and taking them away. This was in response to the riots taking place in our nation. These are no longer rumors according to the AP.

To be quite blunt, it does not matter what crime you are suspected of. You are innocent until proven guilty. The fact the Federal government has kidnapped American citizens and taken them by force is a dangerous precedent!

This is all being coordinated by a Republican President and this behavior is not socialist, but communist in nature. No one can justify this, period!

This is how far out of control our government has become. Forget about the political party, forget about the names of the characters playing your government officials. Just look at the actions. It is unconstitutional to snatch Americans from the street.

If someone is suspected of a crime, then hey, let the law work as it always has.

Military Deploying To Help With COVID

Another interesting development, the U.S. military has deployed 740 medical and support personnel to California and Texas to help medical facilities “battle Coronavirus”.

“Texas is grateful to the U.S. Department of Defense for providing these additional resources to Houston and San Antonio as we work to slow the spread of [coronavirus] and care for our fellow Texans. We will continue to work with our local and federal partners to help ensure that all medical needs are met in Houston, San Antonio, and throughout the state.”

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott

The Department of Defense has no reason to be involved at this point. Yet, that does not stop state officials from embracing it.

Department Of Defense Continues To Become Involved

If you recall, this was preceded by the Department of Defense winning a $138 million dollar contract for 500 million prefilled syringes. A day later President Trump stated the military would be used to distribute any vaccine to the public. Trump also likes the idea of a national coronavirus tracing system.

Without calling for Martial Law, it seems we are slowly but surely seeing the U.S. military operate on American soil. This is very concerning and should not be embraced. We have enough medial professionals in this country to deal with the problem, and let’s remember…

Manufactured Crisis

COVID-19 has been hyped to no end. It is in fact, a manufactured crisis to get you and I to agree to give away our freedoms. There is a 0.1% death rate, this is not the black plaque. People need to start calling it for what it is.

Otherwise, where are we going with COVID-19?

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