Israel Among The Least Religious Countries In The World

When we think of “Israel”, we think of the Holy Land, Biblical history, and the streets where Jesus once roamed. Today, the land is inhabited by those of the Jewish faith, or at least, that is a common belief. However, as reported by Haaretz, a 2015 Gallup poll revealed, Israel is not as religious as we are led to believe.

In fact, 65% of Israeli’s are either not religious or atheists. This makes Israel one of the least religious nations in the entire world. It was startling to discover, Israel is even less religious than Communist China where 61% of the population say they are atheists.

As a whole, religion continues to decline around the globe, but Jews are found to be the least religious of all.

Only 38 percent of the Jewish population worldwide considers itself religious.


This really makes you wonder why so many Christian organizations are so supportive of Israel. This support has led to the United States providing Israel with $4 billion dollars of aid each and every year. Far more than any other nation on earth. Imagine the good works we could do right here at home with our own money, for our own people.

Unfortunately, the ideology behind this support for Israel stems from incorrect Biblical teachings which state, the Jews are God’s chosen people. From what we have learned, it becomes obvious, the Jews have rejected God.

When we look back on Biblical history, we never find God supporting the Israelites when they fell astray. Whenever they did that, God always corrected them. We do not find such correction with the nation of Israel today.

Christians should remember, “God is no respecter of persons”, (Acts 10:34). Simply meaning, God does not love someone because of their race, color, ethnicity, and so on. Rather, He loves each and every one of us who love Him, and He wants everyone to come to repentance, (Proverbs 8:17, 2 Peter 3:9).

If we all could absorb just those three verses, it would bring more truth to our world, and make it a better place for all.

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