Israel: ‘Ready To Attack Iran, We Need To Take Military Action’

Once again, it’s Israeli comedy hour!

Before we touch on Israel’s hyperbolic statement, let’s back up a week or so.

I saw an article from Newsweek titled, US Confident Iran Conducted Attack on Israeli Tanker.

So an Israeli oil tanker was attacked by a drone, so the United States and Israel are blaming, you guessed it, Iran.

You know why?

They are “confident” it was Iran.

Every time some dastardly deed occurs, it’s always Iran we are told.

Yet, there is never any real proof.

We will talk about that later.

The best part of this Newsweek story, is most people don’t know what an Iranian drone looks like. We covered that topic back in 2019. Since I can be a nice guy at times, I decided to go ahead and throw in a picture of an Iranian drone and a U.S. drone for comparison…

So Iran was able to take out an Israeli oil tanker…

Iran did it with their drone that’s launched off a modified mobile home trailer frame with rusted rims?

Got it!

  • Where exactly is the propulsion system?
  • Where exactly would Iran place the bomb on their drone?

If you’re laughing, you’re not alone!

I’m still wiping up the coffee I spit out from laughter back in 2019 when we covered this.

So the proof is, there is no proof Iran attacked the Israeli oil tanker.

Further, what exactly would the point be?

What would Iran have to gain?

Who cares says the mainstream, bomb them anyway.

Israel Is Ready To Attack Iran

Alright, now we can step up to five days ago when Israel’s defense minister Benny Gantz said,

“Israel is ready to attack Iran, yes.”

Then go right ahead, what are you waiting for, why are you telling me about it?

The truth is, Israel has been making these statements for at least 20 years now.

Gantz continues.

“We are at a point where we need to take military action against Iran. The world needs to take action against Iran now.”

See how the story changes?

Israel is ready to attack Iran says their defense minister, but then he changes the tune and says “the world needs to take action against Iran”.

Woah there buddy.

You do your own dirty work!

Yet, that never happens.

Instead, Israel and the United States always tell us there is some proof that Iran is the global boogieman. Yet, it’s always the United States invading some foreign land.

Yes, yes, I know.

“To keep us safe here at home.”

Yet, we let illegals flock into our nation.

Couldn’t some dastardly Iranian nationals be mixed in waiting to get me with the dreaded…

“Suitecase nuke!”

I wonder how many remember that one?

It gets better…

Gantz: Iran Is 10 Weeks From Breakout To A Nuclear Weapon

Now I swear on a stack of Bibles, (which you’re not supposed to do actually, Mat 5:34), this headline is from August 5th, that would be five days ago.

Ol Benny Gantz ratcheted up tensions saying,

Iran has violated all of the guidelines set in the JCPOA [nuclear agreement] and is only around 10 weeks away from acquiring weapons-grade materials necessary for a nuclear weapon,” Gantz warned.

There we have more fear and doom.

Iran is only 10 weeks away from acquiring weapons-grade material to make…

A nuclear bomb.

Next week, Newsweek might report, Iran will launch the nuclear bomb from their drone!

Come on, I added the part in italic alright, but you get the point.

Iran Lied

But hey, what do I know?…

Back in 2018 former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said,

We still don’t know what Iran lied about.

I think Bibi’s point had something to do with…

Iran being weeks away from a nuclear bomb.

Remember when Bibi presented this at the United Nations back in 2018, to show us how close Iran was to a nuclear bomb?

Slightly insulting to our intelligence, no?

President Trump jumped in for his son in laws friend and said,

We have definitive proof that this Iranian promise was a lie.

Definitive proof, that never surfaced.

Iran still has no nuclear bomb, nor do they have a mechanism to deliver such a warhead, if they even had one.

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Now I know a lot of Christians support Israel.

Many think modern-day Jews are descendants of ancient Israelites, but that is not so my friends. We actually have a work on that for the future, but not just yet. It might confuse the delicate mind at this moment.

Regardless, I want to take you further back down memory lane. I mean back in 2018, there Bibi is telling you, Iran was weeks away from a nuclear bomb.

Yet, before Bibi told us Iran was about to cross the “red line” in 2018, he peddled the same line back in 2013.

In fact, in 2013 Bibi said, Israel Could Attack Iran Within Weeks.

Yet, the attack never happened.

It didn’t happen in 2013, it didn’t happen in 2018, and it won’t happen now. At least, it’s extremely doubtful that Israel will attack Iran all by their lonesome. Instead, they want the United States to do their dirty work.

The United States who provides Israel with over $4 billion dollars in aid every single year. Moreover, since Israel’s founding, the U.S. has provided them with more than $146 billion dollars in governmental welfare.

So… Shouldn’t Israel do their own dirty work?

I think so.

How About The Proof?

Now back to the subject at hand, being, Iran supposedly bombed an Israeli oil tanker with their drone. We have been hearing about stories like this just as long as we have heard about Iranian nuclear bombs, which have never materialized.

Ohh, side note…

Iran has the largest concentration of Jews outside of Israel. You won’t catch that on the evening news!

Remember back in 2019 when a Saudi Arabia oil facility was attacked?

Iran was blamed.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo responded saying, it was an ‘act of war’ by Iran.

Remember back in 2019 when two oil tankers were attacked?

Iran was to blame.

Yet, there has never been any real proof. Only the proof imagined in the minds of President’s and those who seek to destroy the sovereign nation of Iran.

A nation which does stand in the way of a globalized world.

Then at the beginning of this year, we were told Al Qaeda set up a home base in Iran.

Of course, Iran is to blame.


Iran is always to blame, but there is never any real proof. You know why, they are lying to you. The fact of the matter is, Iran never joined the international community.

You know, the one established back in the mid-1940s. That is a problem for the folks who want to completely globalize our world.

Everyone needs to buy in.

I do believe, this constant conflict is a part of Bible prophecy.

When does it unfold is the question?

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