Italian Government Enlists Unemployed To Become Informants

Just when you think things could not become crazier, they do! Italy announced it has recruited 60,000 “volunteer civic assistants” to become informants for the government.

These “informants” are the unemployed who are receiving income from the government in the form of social security or unemployment benefits.

The purpose of the “informats”?

To spy on their neighbors. They will be dressed in plainclothes and weld the power of the phone to report those who fail to wear a mask or properly “social distance”. To be quite blunt, these people are government snitches.

Now the government created this entire crisis to begin with. I do not care what country, your government created the crisis. This crisis caused millions to lose their jobs. Now the government is going to use the unemployed to do their bidding.

As a side note, when we hear talk of Universal Basic Income, you can quickly see where this is going. Hey, if you are going to receive a check from the government, then I suppose they can tell you what to do.

I sure hope you have a problem with that, I sure do! This new snitch program sounds more like a plan, than a response to a crisis. I am sure we will hear more and more about this as time marches on. This also reminds me of the Rockefeller Future Scenario.

Despite numerous reports coming out saying COVIDs fatality rate is 0.1% or less, the scare continues. I hope people are starting to question that. I hope Italians are questioning their own government who admitted 99% of COVID deaths were in patients with other illness.

People cannot live in peace under these circumstances. Communities cannot thrive in this environment. We are only allowing tyranny to take hold by adhering to illegal government actions.

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