Jesus Statue Beheaded In Florida, Churches Burned Across U.S.

Yes, someone actually beheaded a statue of Jesus at a Catholic Church in Florida. Just a few days prior, several churches from California to Florida were burned.

Are we beginning to see an attack on Christianity?

You may recall, we discussed this not that long ago. The rage is against those who refuse masks, those who reject the propaganda called Black Lives Matter and soon, it will be turned against the Christian faithful.

How could it not?

Christianity stands in the way of the LGBT ideology, it stands in the way of sin and perversion. It stands in the way of the globalists who are radically transforming our world.

The riots you see, the mainstream news you see is not some natural organic event. We are watching a manufactured, better said a choreographed crisis continue to unfold. Remember, if the Feds did not lead the charge with the lockdowns, everything would be A-okay. If the Feds enforced the laws, no statues or monuments would have come down.

The events we continue to see that are destroying our way of life are a manufactured event. Unfortunately, our population has been conditioned and essentially programmed for years through our education system. This former KGB agent does a great job explaining that, and this video is quite old, making it more relevant than ever.

We have been conditioned to react a certain way in certain situations. We have been conditioned to the idea, that somehow, America is evil and must be replaced with something better.

I am sorry folks, nothing better is going to come along until Jesus Christ returns. Anyone telling you different is lying to you, big time.

Regardless, we may just see another element unfold here. The beginning of Christianity being attacked by the foolish angry mobs our government has created.

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