Leftism – Not Just Wrong, But Evil

That was the title of an article I read this morning. That is an accurate statement. The problem, however, is the author and you should always know who is writing the material you subject your mind to and their organizations…

They tell you how to think.

They tell you what is reality.

Instead, you do your own research and decide. Just know, wicked people control both sides of the argument, it is their method of operation.

That article does not help us fix anything. It just stirs up some more of that hate.

Meanwhile, it paints the “right” or what was once the “right” in a good light while explaining how horrid the “left” is, which is true, do not get me wrong.

My point is the “right” has done plenty of evil themselves.

The endless wars have been brought on by the “right”. You will notice the “left” does not stop the wars, instead, they roll right along.

The actions of both sides are essentially the same. The only difference is their words to a large degree.

In all honesty, when has a U.S. Administration changed course from the previous Administration?

We still have;

  • Record debt
  • Record taxes
  • Record spending
  • Record illegal immigration
  • Endless wars

So where is the difference between the “left” and the “right”?

I can hear them now…

‘Well, the Republicans don’t support abortion, Brandon’.

Give me a break already.

They have voted to support Planned Parenthood over and over again.

In word they are “right”, but in action, they are “left” as well.

So what is the entire point?

We as Americans are “left” and “right”, our politicians however serve another master and everything else is a grand illusion…

Satan’s goal is to keep you divided and deluded. Divided so you cannot work together with other Americans. We find this division in every aspect of life. In politics, in religion, race you name it.

Who created all that division and hate?

Satan’s kids.

I know, that is just a bit too much to believe.

Instead, you should just turn me off and listen to the mainstream media.

Well apparently you cannot trust them, so I will continue.

None of the boobs in power are helping fix anything for you. The good guys are not coming to say you because there are no good guys that represent you.

You are the good guy.

The Bible

You know, we are doing Judges right now in our family Bible study and before that it was Joshua. The same thing has continued on since the dawn of time.

Those “dumb Israelites” fell away from God every time. There for a while, they did alright with Joshua and then Joshua went to be with the Lord and the whole bunch just went astray.

After a while, God, He had to raise up a leader. Otherwise, Israel was never going to turn back to God. Then Israel fell away again after the leader was gone.

On and on it went.

  • Those “dumb Israelites”, how could they not realize God was the best thing going for them?
  • How could they not realize when they left Him, their wall of protection went away?

Now we are beginning the chapter where Deborah, yeah, that would be a woman was the only one with enough brass to get it done and fix some things.

I love God’s sense of humor.

“Men, if you cannot get the job done, let’s try one of those little lady types”, God probably said to Himself.

So in the end, I suppose I should not be surprised to see how easily we as people can be led by the nose. I mean if we are foolish enough to believe God’s Chosen People are non-believers who serve another god we will believe anything.

I hope you are still thinking about those “dumb Israelites”.

I am sure they had rabble-rousers in the crowd telling them the “left” and “right” were good and bad too. If it feels good do it, and we should not say this or that because it might offend someone.

So it all comes back full circle my friends, ‘there is nothing new under the sun’, (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

If were are still saying “dumb Israelites”, then maybe it is high time we took a glance in the mirror, stopped the division and turned to God.

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