LGBT Students File Lawsuit Against U.S. Gov To Strip Religious Exemption From Christian Schools

The homosexual mafia will not leave the Christian community alone. A “coalition” of 33 current and former LGBT students who decided of their own free will, to “join” Christian schools have filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Education.

The reasoning?

The suit says the religious exemption the schools are given that allow them to have discriminatory policies is unconstitutional because they receive government funding.

Washington Post

So the problem is, these homosexual students are upset Christian schools do not cater to their sinful life. That should be obvious, they are Christian-based schools for Christian people. They are not LGBT schools for LGBT people.

But Brandon, “That sounds discriminatory.”

Wake up people!

Anything that does not conform to modern morality is “discriminatory”. However, when you flip the coin, Christians and Christian schools are now being discriminated against for their beliefs. So in the end, no one can win here. There is discrimination either way.

Stop thinking about it as “discriminatory” and recognize this is ideological warfare.

Pushing Forward The Equality Act

Let’s just cut to the chase here, this is all about promoting the Equality Act and putting more pressure behind it.

Think about it…

Why on earth would a homosexual student join a Christian school?

There is only one logical reason in my mind, and that is to cause a problem. It’s someone who is concerned with self and only self. “Cater to me and conform”. We witnessed the same thing with Christian Bakers and homosexuals demanding homosexual wedding cakes.

Look, go to another cake store.

Go to another school.

We do the same thing all the time. We do not buy products or services from companies who are anti-Christian. Homosexuals and Christian schools are no different. They are incompatible with God’s Design.

The fact that homosexuals keep pestering Christians documents who is the trouble maker here. Christianity’s beliefs span thousands of years. Suddenly, in the last couple of generations, we are supposed to change thousands of years of teaching and nature itself to fit the whims of a fraction of the population?

You’re flippin’ nuts people!

For the record, we don’t hate homosexuals here.

Look, I could not care less what you do with your life. That is your choice, it’s your business. My goal is to share God’s Word with the world. In the form of studies and discuss the news from a Christian perspective. We do that for those who want to hear it, if you don’t want to hear it. Go to another site.

This lawsuit is frivolous!

It is akin to someone trying to dictate the content on this site. Laughable.

Christian Schools Are Taking Federal Money

Unfortunately, we live in dark times.

These Christian schools are taking Federal money. Considering the way the world is turning these days, I foresee a lot of problems in the future. The same for churches that are 501c3.

The Bible clearly teaches against homosexuality. However, modern mortality teaches us, “if it feels good do it and everyone should be accepted”. This ideology is a direct attack on Christianity, and I don’t have to tell you Satan is behind it, (Ephesians 6:12).

The Federal Government can pay for abortion which is the murder of the innocent which God is against. Yet, we are being told the Federal Government cannot pay for Christian based schooling. That tells you who is the prince of the world, (John 12:31).

Folks, this is about exterminating Christianity.

I honestly do not think most Christians are ready for this battle. Far too many constantly back down to overbearing government in order to make their life easier. I do not see that changing in the future either.

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