Major Retailers Shed Mask Mandates In Sign Of “Normalcy”

Major retailers including; Trader Joe’s, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Costco, Publix, and now Starbucks have shed mask mandates for those who are vaccinated. This comes after the CDC removed face mask guidelines for those who are fully vaccinated.

The rather strange thing in all of this…

No one really knows who is and who is not vaccinated. There is no way to prove it, and retailers will not be asking for any such information. The ironic part here is just days ago, President Biden said it was American’s patriotic responsibility for two vaccinated people to wear masks while talking indoors.

The CDC has now dropped all of those thoughts and ideals with their guideline change.

It seems more than likely, this has gone on far too long, and more and more information leaks out each day documenting COVID was overhyped to begin with. In fact, data from MIT recently challenged the entire social distancing norm.

The risk of being exposed to Covid-19 indoors can be as great at 60 feet as it is at 6 feet in a room where the air is mixed — even when wearing a mask, according to a new study by Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers who challenge social distancing guidelines adopted across the world.

So there is no point.

Further, Out Of All COVID Deaths, Only 5% Were Solely Due To COVID the CDC explains.

Some media outlets are pretty upset by the CDC’s guideline changes. They rather hold onto the days that are now becoming the former days.

Mad Media

SFGate put together a hit piece on those who are not vaccinated.

Look how their article starts off.

Garrett, a writer and communications consultant in Columbus, Ohio, almost didn’t believe the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s pronouncement Thursday that immunized people no longer need to wear face coverings in most situations. She said she wondered whether unvaccinated people would rip off their masks, putting her daughter at risk before she could get her shots. With no system to track whether people in public spaces have been inoculated, Garrett figured she couldn’t know for sure.

Her conundrum is common. In an intensely polarized nation, many people have little faith that their maskless fellow Americans have actually been vaccinated. That lack of trust, fueled by the ongoing politicization of the pandemic, tears at the fabric of a public-health strategy built on the assumption that other people will do the right thing.

Do you see how they are pushing the idea for vaccine passports?

The W.H.O. and Federal Government have said vaccine passports are a no-go. Yet, media outlets like SFGate continue to push for a reduction in our freedoms all in the name of safety. Before, they all urged us to listen to the official guidelines, now they don’t like those guidelines.


Know Your Rights

No one has the right to tell you what to put in your body. That is exactly what the radicals are trying to do. Tell you what to put in your body or else you cannot go here or there.

In the end, every single bit of it is fear mongering and scare tactics. Our family goes into the store and never wears a mask and we are not going to be vaccinated. We have been in many different places during the so called pandemic. In all sorts of businesses without a mask and we were never asked to leave.

It’s all on you and what you are willing to put up with. Some rather not deal with the embarrassment of not wearing a mask or being uncomfortable. That is certainly your right, but I will say. The more people play into the game, the easier it will be for evil to pull the con on us all. This time it’s COVID-19, next time it’s…

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