Michigan Militia Vow To Block Police Entry To Barbershop

Are you paying attention? Lines in the sand are being drawn.

This escalation is due to the state of Michigan continuing its illegal lockdown, like many other states. People are starting to get fed up.

Karl Manke is a 77 barbershop owner. He said,

I have “lived under 14 presidents, and this is the worst depression I’ve lived under, and I’m not going to live under it. I believe it’s my right to work to make my living, and that’s what I’m going to do.”

Karl is making a stand for what is right.

The state militia is joining him in his efforts. One member said,

“We are here to make sure he doesn’t get arrested. We’re willing to stand in front of that door and block the entrance so the police will have no entry there today.”

Lines in the sand.

If law enforcement comes to this barbershop, what will happen? It is very obvious what could happen. If shooting starts, I highly doubt it will be isolated to just Michigan.

Why do you think I called on our readers the other day to reach out to their elected officials and their Sheriffs? We need to defuse this right now, and the best way is to talk to our law enforcement officials.

Our mayors and governors are not helping, hopefully law enforcement will.

After all, it will not be the mayors and governors who come to use force against the people. It will be law enforcement, so those are the boys we need to talk to. I don’t know folks, how busy is your day looking today?

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