Minneapolis Burns As Riots Increase

The riots are a result of foolish people responding to the death of George Floyd who was arrested by police for passing a fake $20. Floyd died during the arrest, and an officer is seen with his knee on Floyd’s neck, despite Floyd saying he cannot breathe.

Four officers have already been fired. Good, and that will not be the end of it. Excessive force was certainly used in this case. The man was cuffed and face down. There was no further need of force.

A Race Thing

The problem I have here is this event has now been turned into a race thing. White cop, black guy killed means Minneapolis is now rioting. Of course, the mainstream media is spreading this thing like wild fire.

Now just two days ago, I watched a video of a black nursing home aid punching a white elderly and defenseless patient. It was so disturbing my wife walked away and I turned it off.

Now I have not seen much coverage of this at all. Nor did my wife and I go start riots, nor did anyone else.

Rioters Are Fools

Unfortunately, these people have allowed themselves to be sucked into these riots. They are showing just how foolish and ignorant they are. They have allowed the mainstream media to work them into a frenzy. Not to mention male and female rappers who will remain nameless. Hey, Jesus said the blind would lead the blind, (Matthew 15:14). That was not just a religious statement.

Idiots will lead other idiots to do idiotic things. There, I said it.

I am curious where these rioters have been over the last 3 months when their rights were taken away, no, they did not seem to mind that. Only when a black guy is killed. Now does that not seem a bit racist to you?

You only have a problem with something when it affects someone of your race? I hate that myself.

Folks, an injustice is an injustice.

Now look at some of these photos and this footage for a moment…

Something that must be pointed out here. Minneapolis is overrun with Somali immigrants, you can thank your Federal Government for that. They brought them here by the numbers. To those people, this type of behavior is normal. Now add that to foolish people who already exist in our country and that spells disaster.

Division, division, division.

Our nation is divided over politics, religion, even the foolish COVID-19 virus. It seems we cannot agree on anything these days, no wonder our world is crumbling before our eyes.

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