More Suicides Than COVID-19 Deaths At CA Hospital

When the lockdowns started, we said there would be more death from the lockdowns, than from the virus itself. Though we will never know the full extent. One California hospital is reporting just that, not to mention another doctor.

Doctors at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek have seen more deaths from suicide during the state-imposed lockdown than deaths from COVID-19.

“We’ve never seen numbers like this, in such a short period of time,” said Dr. Mike deBoisblanc head of Trauma. “I mean we’ve seen a year’s worth of suicide attempts in the last four weeks.”

Now the doctor factors in the attempted suicides, and those numbers are staggering. A years worth of suicide in just four weeks time! The lockdowns have been absolutely devastating.

Our elected officials and so-called health experts have blood on their hands here. They recommended and imposed these lockdowns that have devastated our country and world. The number of deaths from suicide, and crimes will never be known. The number of rapes, and domestic violence will never be known. Then factor in drug and alcohol use and so on.

Enough is enough folks. Enough is enough.

Remember, the CDC just said COVID-19 has a 0.4% fatality rate. For those aged 49 and under its just 0.05%.

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