“NBC News Verification Unit” Works With Left UK Org To Snitch On Two Websites

NBC News ran an article yesterday explaining Google stripped ZeroHedge and The Federalist from using Google Ads due to content on their site. As it turns out, NBC News helped find the content in violation of Google with the help of a UK based organization. Since when does the UK have involvement in our affairs?

For the record, that was not a serious question. We all know what’s going on here. I should not have to tell you this is not journalism, but activism.

This is another move by the lefties who adhere to a globalist cause.

Zerohedge and The Federalist explained their side of the story.

Zerohedge’s offense was for a third party article they had on their site, which they provide links to so you can view the context. The Federalist offense was in the form of a user comment. So The Federalist has now removed comments to comply with Google’s Ad program.

For now, Zerohedge has been removed from the platform, The Federalist was never removed from Google Ads, NBC lied.

For the record, this is what Google considers a violation of its ad program. With guidelines like that, anything could be considered offensive, promote discrimination, and so on. I am wondering when Google will find the Bible offensive…

Everyone has their own life and or site to run. Personally, I would not pander to Google. Those sites are far larger than ours, and I know they need money to survive and continue.

However, I would recommend another way, possible donations from their reader base which must be loyal. If these sites cave in now, months to years later they will be in another violation and in danger of losing their funding again. You cannot survive by accepting money from the enemy when the enemy is constantly gunning for your paycheck and the ability to keep a site online.

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