One Worldism: Paris Climate Deal Hailed as ‘Major Leap for Mankind’

A major leap was made yesterday, but it had nothing to do with climate change and everything to do with the unification of the world. Make no mistake about it, this is all about One Worldism. We continue to see deals made between world powers that are all inclusive and encompassing. Two weeks ago world leaders deemed terrorism the world’s common enemy and the UN passed a resolution to work together in order to stop terrorism. Now we have this global agreement on “climate change” which is a lie to begin with. What they passed yesterday is something they tried six years ago in Copenhagen, a subject we wrote about at the time.

Let us read what the Guardian has to say about this historic “deal”,

A historic, legally binding climate deal that aims to hold global temperatures to a maximum rise of 1.5C above pre-industrial levels, staving off the worst effects of catastrophic global warming, has been secured.

The culmination of more than 20 years of fraught UN climate talks has seen all countries agree to reduce emissions, promise to raise $100bn a year by 2020 to help poor countries adapt their economies, and accept a new goal of zero net emissions by later this century.

How can this be a legally binding agreement when the elected officials of perspective governments have not seen the deal? Where do you think this $100 billion is going to come from? Your pocket that is where. This is another global tax. Did you have a say in it? Of course not.

One Worldism is gaining more of a foothold in our world. One Worldism does not care about nation states, that much should be clear to you.

“This is truly a historic moment,” the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, said in an interview. “For the first time, we have a truly universal agreement on climate change, one of the most crucial problems on earth.” – NY Times

The world leans on their own understanding. What has our Father said concerning the climate of the earth?

Genesis 8:22
22 “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”

But hey, do not let God’s Word get in the way of One Worldism. After all the US president thinks this is a great idea.

Barack Obama, said in a seven-minute address from the White House that the deal “shows what is possible when the world stands as one”, and added: “This agreement represents the best chance we have to save the one planet that we’ve got.” – The Guadian

The world is working together as one and realizing what is possible if they do so (remember the Tower of Babel…).

2015 has been a very defining year in my opinion. An eye opener for everyone that global government is rising now more than ever. This will continue to become our reality as we march forward.

Open your Bibles my friends and stay focused on His Word.

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