Oregon Decriminalizes Possession Of Street Drugs, Becoming First In Nation

Can you believe this? Of course you can, these are the headlines of a country headed in a downward spiral and don’t dare point your finger at the liberals. Remember, there are three fingers pointing back at you.

We have all allowed ourselves, our morals and beliefs to be pushed aside, little by little we have allowed it, just look at our country today. We have embraced social media, and the Netflix’s of society that conditioned us to accept perversion. I don’t watch TV, but when I turn it on, I just cannot believe what is on these days.

We as a people, as a society have embraced this behavior, it became our normal years ago which has helped lead us to this moment.

Oregon Legalized Hardcore Drugs

So here is the news.

Oregon has become the first state in the nation to legalize street drugs. We are talking about cocaine and heroin folks, this is a major deal.

I said it years ago before Marijuana was legal. The only reason they want to legalize it, is to tax it, and destroy the morality of our nation. Those of you who live in Christian and Conservative lands better start stepping up to the plate now more than ever before to hold onto what you have.


There are evil hands behind this Oregon ballot initiative that the people foolishly bought into.

I will explain in a moment.

First, those pushing this ballot initiative made it sound good to the people. Satan always does that, he makes sin sound good. So naturally, his children will as well, (Revelation 2:9, 3:9). Those who pushed Measure 110 as it’s called explained, there are too many Americans being locked up for drug charges.

This is very true.

In fact, the U.S. has 25% of the world’s prisoners, but only 5% of the global population. However, legalizing hardcore drugs is not the answer. Instead, people should be serving community service and being educated, not thrown in the slammer. That is another story for another time.

Now here is how the funding for Measure 110 breaks down. Those who promote the campaign spent $4 million while the opposition raised $95,000. We cannot win like that folks.

By the way, Washington DC decriminalized Magic Mushrooms, and New Jersey legalized Marijuana.

The People Who Promoted Measure 100

So who promoted and funded Measure 110?

The organization receives support from billionaire philanthropist and investor George Soros, who is on the alliance board. Other major funders of the effort included Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who along with his wife Priscilla Chan gave $500,000, and the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon, which gave $150,000, and national ACLU, which gave another $150,000, per state campaign finance reports.

Soros and Zuckerberg, who essentially belong to the same family. The same family as Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner. The enemy is in our midst now more than ever before. They pretend to be our friends, when in reality, they are also our foe.

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