Our Friend’s Experience Traveling Back Home From South America During COVID-19

Today, I am going to share with you a personal letter from our friends. They are a fantastic Christian couple who just went to South America and bounced around numerous countries all during COVID-19.

They were planning to stay longer, but some of the nations were putting COVID-19 restrictions in place. The restrictions essentially required a COVID-19 test, which our friends did not want to constantly do as they were moving around quite a bit.

Here is their story which may surprise you…

Our Friend’s Story

We are back home. So good to be back home. South America was wide open. Bars and Restaurants were all open. No one yelled at me for not "masking up". I only wore my "maskarella" when I wanted to! lol Not when I was told to. We had a ball.
Flew home and found Florida to be wide open! I mean it was business as usual in Florida. I loved it. Flew to Chicago and all the bars and restaurants are CLOSED! Crazy stuff. We took the Amtrak from Chicago to *location removed*. 30 hours. We had a deluxe sleeping car that was all inclusive. All our meals were included. We had a toilet and shower in our deluxe sleeping room. (smile)
However, Amtrak is ran like a prison train! They threw 2 people off the train for not masking up! In the dining car they yell at you and tell you to leave your mask on and take a bite of food and mask up while you are chewing! I refused! lol But I did not get thrown off the train. It was the train ride from Hell.
You know, in South America (SA) they call this pandemic a Nursing Home Virus! No one else is getting it. No social distancing in SA. No Mask Nazis! lol Very laid back and casual. No control freaks prowling around looking for someone to yell at.
We are happy to be home!!!!!!!   (smile)

Our Thoughts

I found it very interesting to learn how South American nations are treating COVID-19 compared to the western world. While they still have COVID-19 testing in place, they seem to be freer than many of our United States.

This perspective is not only valuable from an international point of view, but a national perspective as it further helps us understand how different many of the states are handling this manufactured crisis right now.

In the end, we are certainly thankful our friends had such a good time in light of what is transpiring in our world.

I also want this to be a reminder to you. Do not let all the bad news get you and your family down. There are still fantastic people out there having a fantastic time.

Keep smiling.

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