Out Of All COVID Deaths, Only 5% Were Solely Due To COVID: CDC

In light of the never ending COVID-19 news cycle, I decided to take a new look at the latest death numbers from the CDC. They explain 545,741 Americans have now died due to COVID. Yet, there is a lot more to this story.

When we look at the CDC’s Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics report, we find some very interesting details. Details we are not getting from the mainstream media. Jump down to the Comorbidities and other conditions section.

You will find this nice sortable spreadsheet.

Just above that spreadsheet, you find some very important details.


The number of deaths that mention one or more of the conditions indicated is shown for all deaths involving COVID-19 and by age groups. For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate.

The CDC is plainly telling us, COVID-19 was the only cause of death for just 5% of the people. So why are the other 95% of all deaths being label COVID-19 on the death certificate?

We learned that answer back in April 2020.

Suspected Or Likely

The CDC’s Guidance for Certifying Deaths Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID–19) report explains,

In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.”

The CDC is plainly telling us. They are not using science to identify and calculate the COVID-19 deaths. They are using a “guesstimation” in order to arrive at these numbers. Considering this event has dramatically altered our world.

This is not acceptable, and should not be considered a logical process to use in the medical field.

95% Of Patients Died From COVID And 4 Additional Conditions

With that now understood, let’s go back to that paragraph on the Comorbidities and other conditions section. It concludes, for 95% of all remaining deaths labeled COVID-19, the patient died from COVID and 4 additional conditions.

For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death.

So when you look at that spreadsheet and see all the deaths listed. You can sort through them and see all the other health conditions that contributed to the patients death.

Understanding all of this… Is it fair and accurate to label 545,721 deaths as COVID, when 95% of those patients had 4 additional health conditions that contributed to their death?


  • Influenza and pneumonia
  • Hypertensive disease
  • Heart failure/disease
  • Renal failure
  • Diabetes

I don’t think so.

Most Frequently Listed Comorbidities with COVID-19 Deaths

After going over this, I decided to look at the CDC’s COVID-19 Mortality Overview. There you will find all sorts of statistics related to COVID-19. I jumped down the page to “Most Frequently Listed Comorbidities with COVID-19 Deaths“ and found this chart.

In 45.7% of all deaths, the patient had COVID-19 in addition to Influenza & Pneumonia. No wonder cases for the seasonal flu fell off the map this year.

Does this not prove flu illness and assosiated deaths have been recategorized as COVID-19?

I think the answer is obvious.

Death By Age Group

You will also find a nice chart explaining COVID-19 deaths by age group.

Here it is.

Look at that!

For over 80% of all COVID-19 deaths, the patients were in the 65 and over age group. For 17% of all COVID-19 deaths, the patients were 45-64 years old. As we documented last year in our COVID video based on CDC data. Those who are older with compromised health are more likely to perish due to illness.

Yet, only 2.6% of COVID-19 deaths were attributed to those under 45 years old.

Considering these age numbers, I pulled up U.S. Government Census Data.

Here is what I found.

Out of a population consisting of 328,239,523 million people.

  • 65+ age group: makes up 54,058,263 million people
    • 80.4% of all COVID deaths
  • 45-64 age group: makes up 83,323,439 million people
    • 17% of all COVID deaths
  • Under 45 age group: makes up 190,857,821 million people
    • 2.6% of all COVID deaths

So for the majority of the population, for 190,857,821 million people, COVID made up just 2.6% of all deaths for this age group.

Yet, our government locked down our entire country uprooting and destroying lives for a sect of the population who could have quarantined themselves. I mean, this was the first time in history where healthy people were quarantined. This is utter insanity.

The Hypocrisy Of It All

Now that we have all the data, from all the official sources, and we have covered it time and time again showing how overblown COVID is. There is no reason whatsoever to have “vaccine passports” from any government, business, or organization. We should not hear about any new “dominate strain” of COVID. Neither should we hear about “new record cases” of COVID.

Yet, we do.

We also hear how nearly 6,000 people who took the COVID vaccine, still got COVID! We hear how the vaccines have caused numerous side effects and are now even doubted by some health officials. Health officials who tell us how a third COVID vaccine dose within 12 months will be needed.

Of course it will.

That keeps the scare alive folks and as long as you are scared, you will give up your rights. This is all about taking power from the people and giving it to the government. This is about radically and dramatically changing our world using a virus as the catalyst. A virus that alone killed just 5% of the “COVID death total”. A virus with a 99.98% survival rate.

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