Parents Demand Communist Teacher Be Fired From California School

We had another big win in Sacramento (Natomas), California!

Thanks to Project Veritas, it was revealed a teacher named Gabriel Gipe at Inderkum High School was brainwashing the students in communist propaganda. It was so bad, he has a picture of Mao, along with an ANTIFA flag in his classroom.

The school board is in the process of firing Mr. Gipe.

Here is a CBS News report which covers the topic.

This was from a couple of days ago.

The report concludes saying, there was going to be a protest, and a protest there was.

Parents Stand Up

Parents gathered for the school board meeting to make their voices heard.

Here are some videos of parents speaking up at the board meeting.




Project Veritas

A reporter for Project Veritas caught up with the teacher, Mr. Gipe on the street.

Check it out.

The founder of Project Veritas had a little to say.

Stand Up America!

Folks, we keep saying it over and over again. Stand up and let your voice be heard.

Look at all those parents going to those school board meetings and demanding answers. In a follow up CBS News report, apparently the school board walked out.

Parents, do what you need to do to boot these people out of office.

The entire school knew Mr. Gipe was a communist. They knew he was teaching communist propaganda to the students. It was all over his classroom walls!

These people need to be removed from their positions, replaced and prosecuted if possible.

If we want change in this country, we need to stand up and be heard. No one is going to stand up for you. It’s easy for us to say, everything is going downhill.

That is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Without action from the righteous, the wicked will take over.

It does Christians no good to sit back and watch the world fall a part.

It takes each and every one of us to make a difference. We all have spiritual gifts. Maybe you are not brave enough to speak before a school board. However, just your presence gives someone else a spark to speak. It’s a chain reaction, get involved, and get active.

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