Peace Between Israel And Sudan, More Agreements On The Way

On Friday, the U.S. announced a new peace agreement between Israel and Sudan which was brokered by Jared Kushner, son in law of Donald Trump. This is now the third peace agreement with Middle East and African nations in the last two months.

Here is the announcement from the White House. This is major news folks.

Sudan President Ousted, Paved Wave For Peace

Newsweek reports,

This trend was expected to accelerate with the ousting last year of three-decade Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, who has been replaced with a Sovereignty Council collectively governing the North-East African nation.

Notice, a world leader was replaced, the former President of Sudan, and due to that peace was made possible. This shows we have coordination around the world to bring about peace.

There are now three nations who have declared peace with Israel, all former enemies. We also have the Pope calling for peace, and the United Nations as well.

Newsweek explained,

The move comes shortly after Trump officially announced to Congress his intent to remove Sudan from the State Department’s list of State Sponsors of Terrorism. Khartoum agreed to provide $335 million to victims of terrorism ahead of the decision.

Khartoum is the capital of Sudan.

What is not clear, what is Sudan getting out of it?

Since Sudan will now be removed from the U.S. terrorism list, they will most likely start receiving aid from the United States.

More Peace Deals With Israel Are Coming

President Donald Trump stated,

The State of Israel and the Republic of Sudan, have agreed to make peace. This will be the third country where we’re doing this—and we have many, many more coming. They’re coming at us hot and heavy in the coming weeks.

Israeli’s Benjamin Netanyahu chimed in as well.

Today Khartoum says—yes to peace with Israel, yes to recognition of Israel and to normalization with Israel. This is a new era. An era of true peace. A peace that is expanding with other Arab countries—three of them in recent weeks.

Netanyahu’s remarks echo Trump’s who weeks earlier said.

After decades of division and conflict we mark the dawn of a new Middle East. We’re here this afternoon to change the course of history.

Exciting stuff folks.

All of these agreements are tied to “Arab NATO” and the “Global Center For Combating Extremist Ideology” which all seeks to position these nations against Iran.

We really dove in on this topic and brought the Bible into it in our article, Middle East Peace: Dawn Of A New World Order. Read that one to understand how all of this started, and where it is taking us.

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