Pennsylvania Cumberland County Sheriff Will Not Enforce Illegal Governor Orders

We have another one on our side. This man, and his whole staff should be celebrated. This is how quickly and easily this could change if people started standing up for what is right.

Sheriff Anderson stated,

I have no intentions in turning local business owners into criminals.


Why did this Sheriff come out and make this statement, because of people like you using your vocal cords. Read their announcement.

In response to many messages that we have received on our stance of the shutdown order of businesses in our County.

In response to We The People, the people want answers, the people want their rights and country back, and will not be silenced. Enough is enough.

This is what else the Sheriff’s office had to say,

The Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office will honor our solemn oath to Support, Obey and Defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this Commonwealth. Our Office will stand with the citizens in defense of all of our Constitutional Rights! Our Office will not be enforcing any “order” that violates our Constitutional Rights.

Notice what it said.

Their office will stand WITH the citizens in defense of our Constitution.

Do you know what that means?

They will stand with the people for our Constitution against whoever stands in the way of our rights. They just picked their side. Time to open up your eyes folks to what is going on. This is not about a damn virus, this is about your freedom.

Contact your local law enforcement agency and ask them to stand WITH THE PEOPLE like other Sheriffs are doing. They have taken an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States.


I am asking you to respond professionally. Call your local law enforcement office, email them, Facebook them, just reach out. Tell them you are concerned about your rights and the future of our nation. If you don’t speak out, and we end up in bondage for 50 years… You can tell your children what a brave person you were for keeping your mouth shut.

Too many people are in Christian la-la land right now. Yes, horrible things will happen before the Tribulation can begin.

Did God tell you when that was going to happen?

He didn’t tell me that is for sure, maybe He told you. Unless you know, then we have a duty to inform our elected officials and law enforcement agents to do what is right.

They are our neighbors and friends, reach out to them. They are people just like we are. They are in a tough situation, but in the end, they need to do what is right. They can correct this now, but it will take a little effort on your part to help them.

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