Possible Sign Of Life On Venus, Announced Ahead Of Mars Missions

Here we go again, mainstream science is getting the world all wound up over the potential that Venus once harbored life. It turns out scientists believe they have detected the chemical phosphine in the atmosphere of Venus which is a potential indicator of life.

According to Forbes,

Phosphine, consisting of hydrogen and phosphorus, is a colorless, smelly, flammable, toxic gas on Earth. 

Some bacteria on Earth make phosphine, taking up phosphate from minerals or biological material, adding hydrogen, and expelling phosphine.

Phosphine can therefore be described as a potential sign of extraterrestrial life. Where it’s found on Earth—in swamps, penguin dung heaps and the bowels of some badgers and fish—it’s said to smell like rotting fish or garlic.

There you have it.

They link phosphine with life, that is not very conclusive is it?

Flip open a different rag, I mean mag and you discover another side of the Venus story. According to National Geographic,

“Something weird is happening” in the clouds (atmosphere) of the planet next door—but some experts are raising doubts about the quality of the data.

I found this summary of their article refreshing. The mainstream mag provided some information from the other perspective.

As it turns out, the information scientists have about the chemical phosphine in Venuses atmosphere is not as conclusive as some would like us to believe.

When will we hear more about this?

It just so happens the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japanese space agency (JAXA) are about to fly past Venus to collect additional evidence. These flybys are scheduled for October 15, 2020, and another on August 10, 2021.

I find this announcement pretty interesting, let me tell you why…

Missions To Mars

Three nations including the United States have already launched missions to Mars. The latest U.S. rover will touchdown on the red planet in February 2021.

I have to add, NASA has put a lot of emphasis on finding life on Mars this go-round. In fact, the rover will have the ability to drill into the soil, test it, and determine if there was once life there.

NASA chief scientist Jim Green recently said discovering signs of life on Mars,

Will be revolutionary. It will start a whole new line of thinking. I don’t think we’re prepared for the results. We’re not.

So why am I telling you this?

When I read the news, I look for trends. That helps tell us where things are going or what the mainstream would like us to believe. So we have a little bit of a trend going on in the last year or two. The Venus news only adds to it.

Last year, I read another article that stated NASA did find life on Mars years ago, but the evidence was not supported enough to make the official announcement. The same scientist was very confident they will find evidence of life this time around.

I find this very interesting considering what we have talked about in the past considering “uniformitarianism”, (see: Out Of The Mouth Of Babes). That is the scientifically held belief that all things have been the same since the beginning. This of course ties right into 2 Peter 3:3.

In their mind, evolution is real, which means all you need in nature is the right building blocks, the right elements, and bam, you have life.

They Want Us To Doubt God

So the point is very simple. The mainstream would love for us to not only doubt, but abandon our belief in God. They would love to tout the smallest piece of evidence and call it proof of life on another planet.

Hey, they already tout evolution which is pretty easy to see through, yet, the world believes the lie anyway.

I feel they are planting the idea of life on another planet into our mind so it will not be a surprise if they make such an announcement, and to make it more believable for all of us.

I will say, even if they find “absolute proof” of life on another planet, it will not alter my belief in God. The Bible is and will always remain true, it is the Word of God. The Bible proves itself when one truly wants to understand it.

If there is life out there, evolution didn’t create it, but our Heavenly Father.

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