Prophecy: Bibi Says ‘Conclusive Proof’ Iran Lied About Its Nuclear Weapons Program

Iran Lied, Bibi - Haaretz
Iran Lied, Bibi – Haaretz

Benjamin Natenyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister brings us yet another “proof” concerning Iran. This time, Bibi has ‘conclusive proof‘ that Iran lied about their nuclear weapons program.  He explains,

“Tonight I’m here to tell you one thing. Iran lied, big time.” – Haaretz

Bibi continues,

“The nuclear deal is based on lies. It is based on Iranian lies and Iranian deception. This is a terrible deal which should never have been concluded and in a few days’ time President Trump will make his decision on what to do with the nuclear deal. I’m sure he will do the right thing. The right thing for the US, the right thing for Israel, and the right thing for the peace of the world.” – Telegraph

This breaking news suddenly comes out just days before US President Donald Trump is going to make a decision on the Iran nuclear agreement. I think I smell a rat…

Have We Heard This Before?

Now my memory is not the best, I will admit that. However, I am able to recall that Bibi told us back in 2012 that Iran was ‘on the brink of a nuclear weapon in less than a year’.

You all remember this photo right?

Bibi Iran This Close At UN 2012
Bibi’s Bomb Drawing Concerning Iran At The UN In 2012 – Reuters

That was five long years ago and before that Bibi and US sources told us Iran was two weeks away from a nuclear weapon.

So who is telling the truth here?

I do not know about you, but when someone cries wolf too many times, I dismiss their cries until proven otherwise. Especially, if I know there is an agenda brewing.

I know what you are thinking, what agenda?

The Blueprint

The globalists (current global structure) have a plan… It is called, “Which Path to Persia?” which was written in 2009. It is a blueprint for war with Iran, how to take over that nation. The “think tank” designed blueprint details how they will eventually conquor Iran and they have followed this blueprint to a tee.

We also know there is prophecy involved with Iran, we outlined this prophecy in Chapter 2 of “The Timeline of the Tribulation”. There will be a conflict between Iran and the current global structure in the not too distant future.

Are you aware of that?

Have you studied your Father’s Word so you understand the events of our world?

Prophecy is being fulfilled right before your eyes, it is important that you understand our Father’s Letter and the order of events that are and will transpire. Otherwise, those “lies and deception” Bibi told us about, will overtake you.

You do not want that to happen at this hour.

Think For Yourself

I always ask our readers to think for themselves when they are presented with articles, Bible studies, you name it. I ask you to do that again.

Iran is not a danger to the “Jews“. Outside of Israel, Iran has the largest concentration of Jews anywhere in the world.

We all know Bibi has cried wolf many times now. We also know Israel has attacked Syria more times than any of us can count, without provocation.

Why is that?

Syria, along with Iran are not inline with the current global structure and those nations will not conform, so that leaves one option for the globalists…


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