Protests Hit Athens, Paris, Melbourne Over New COVID Restrictions, Vaccine Mandates

Massive protests have erupted across Europe and Australia as people have had enough of COVID restrictions and vaccine mandates. In California, we are now seeing mask mandates comeback in Los Angeles.

The new vaccine mandates in Europe remind me of our recent article, Euro Human Rights Court: Vaccines ‘Necessary In A Democratic Society’. Without pushback, this may become Europe’s new reality…

Let’s run down some of the deadlines floating around.

Protests hit Athens and Paris over new coronavirus restrictions, vaccine mandates

Protests flared in France and Greece on Wednesday as residents angry over coronavirus curbs and vaccine mandates in both countries marched against new, stricter regulations that they say discriminate against people unwilling to be inoculated.

In Paris, demonstrators clashed with police after French President Emmanuel Macron announced sweeping measures to fight the pandemic earlier this week. He mandated vaccinations for all health-care workers and said new rules would require unvaccinated people to show negative coronavirus tests before entering bars, restaurants and other entertainment venues.


Macron just created a new class of people.

Those who are not vaccinated have now become the enemy of the state. This is like something out of an apocalyptic movie.

Plan to vaccinate teenagers triggers large protests in Greece

Thousands of anti-vaccine demonstrators protested in Greece’s two largest cities Wednesday against plans to make coronavirus vaccines available to children 15 and older.

The protests took place outside parliament in central Athens and in the northern city of Thessaloniki.

Greek authorities have blamed a recent increase in confirmed virus cases on crowded entertainment venues. Under new restrictions, leisure facilities will only be open to people who are vaccinated. A mandatory vaccination policy is planned for workers at care facilities and hospitals.


Melbourne: A New 5 Day Lockdown Begins, Protestors Premier Andrews Be Sacked

Hundreds of protestors have stormed Melbourne’s CBD to rally against the looming five-day lockdown coming into force across Victoria from midnight.

Premier Daniel Andrews on Thursday said Victoria had ‘no choice’ but to enter a snap statewide lockdown to contain a growing outbreak of the COVID-19 Delta variant.


Melbourne will need more than a few hundred people protesting. Their nation continues to go into lockdown after lockdown. Governments need to know the people have had enough of COVID, the lockdowns, and vaccine propaganda.

In one of the photos at Daily Mail, a protester holds up a sign that says,

A Real “Pandemic” needs NO advertisement.

So true.

We have been brainwashed to no end, and our governments continue to place us into lockdown and mask mandate bondage. At this point, speaking of the western world, this is only a problem in the liberal nations.

In America, particularly the red states, life is “normal” for all intents and purposes.

One can only wonder how long it will stay this way with the paranoia being paraded in the mainstream media…

Everything we are seeing right now also reminds me of our article, Rockefeller ‘Future Scenario’ Becomes Reality Of Coronavirus Pandemic. Anyone who refutes the government’s propaganda is outed as someone spreading false information. This is not a good trend my friends.

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