Record Heat And Drought, Dead Sealife And Birds, Our Crazy World Gets Crazier

We have all seen the headlines, record heat waves have been recorded all across the west. In fact, Canada’s British Columbia hit a staggering 121 degrees!

I ran across several articles about this and other phenomenons that I wanted to share with you today.

Crushing Heat Wave In Pacific Northwest And Canada Cooked Shellfish Alive By The Millions

The record heat in Canada has killed millions of shellfish.

Gehman studies marine community ecology, but this was the first time she had seen anything of this “magnitude of mortality.” An estimated 1 billion small sea creatures — including mussels, clams and snails — died during the heat wave in the Salish Sea, off more than 4,000 miles of linear shore, according to marine biologist Chris Harley.

Washington Post

Another ‘Red Tide’ Left 15 Tons Of Dead Fish On Tampa Bay’s Shore, And Experts Warn Of More Destruction

In Florida, the story is not heat that has caused doom, but red algae.

Dead eels, dead baby sea turtles, and tons and tons of dead fish. “Never, ever, have I seen it this bad,” Nguyen, who fishes both in tournaments and commercially, told The Washington Post.

The dead fish have been washing up on the shores of Tampa Bay in West Central Florida since at least early June, thanks to a natural phenomenon known as “red tide” — large “blooms” of toxic algae that spread through the water.


The article goes on to say they have not seen these conditions in decades.

Western Drought Brings Another Woe: Voracious Grasshoppers

Whenever there is drought, you can expect masses of grasshoppers.

A punishing drought in the U.S. West is drying up waterways, sparking wildfires and leaving farmers scrambling for water. Next up: a plague of voracious grasshoppers.

They’re everywhere,” Wiederrick said. “Drought and grasshoppers go together and they are cleaning us out.”

Oregon Live

The Federal government is planning what could become “their largest grasshopper-killing campaign since the 1980s”.

Birds Are Dying In The United States And No One Knows Why

Across six states, there has been an outbreak of dead birds and scientists just do not understand why.

Across the United States, people have been finding dead birds. The birds appear to have been hit by a wave of mysterious illnesses since April.

Experts do still have their theories. And one of them links the disease with the arrival of Brood-X cicadas that made their appearance around late April to early May — the same time people started to notice the dead birds.



We have all read these sorts of headlines over the years, but when they all hit so close together, it certainly grabs your attention. Over the course of the last year and a half, our entire world has become a very bizarre and crazy place. These articles continue to highlight that trend. Something we all should continue to keep an eye on.

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