The Riots Are Being Coordinated

There is no doubt in my mind the riots are being coordinated. Yesterday, the Minneapolis police chief confirmed people were coming from outside of the city to riot. I have seen many other clues that show this is coordinated.

First off and for the record. A protest is “a statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something” while riots are “a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd”.

We have riots in our nation, not protests, and this right here, is a peaceful protest.

Rioters From Outside Of Minnesota

Listen to St. Paul Mayor Carter explain the rioters are coming from out of state.

Agitator At Work

What we are seeing on television and the internet are riots, utter chaos, and confusion. We have agitators among the crowds preying on their emotions, leading and directing them. Here is a prime example of an agitator at work, and think about it, how many people really have megaphones?

Notice the lack of concern for the city being destroyed. The agitator explains they pay taxes so the destruction is okay. He is justifying the destruction. If they even pay taxes, that is still not a reason. His argument makes no sense at all, but to the people it does. This is emotion-driven, by outside influencers.

Destruction And Chaos

Think about the police station that was burned to the ground in Minneapolis. All of that evidence is now destroyed. Rapists and murders will be let free because of this.

I saw a picture that said ‘Black Lives Matter More Than Blue’ in reference to law enforcement. The agitators running the riots are communist vermin. That is a fact. This is not about rights or George Floyd, just ask these fine gentlemen.

CNN Headquarters in Atlanta

A Mexican flag?

These people hate America, they hate her history which is why so many of our historic southern monuments have been removed by them and our own government. While they call those monuments racist, they issue their own racist comments.

This is not about rights or George Floyd, this is about destroying America. Destroying our way of life and implementing a communist agenda which ties right into Bible prophecy. Remember, the old world order must come down before we can have a new world order.

Agitators Training The Rioters

Here is another example of coordination. Watch this video as rioters are shown how to extinguish tear gas canisters.

Who are the guys in the yellow hard hats? Who came up with this idea and begin to spread it around?

Water Provided For Rioters

In this next video, look at all the water bottles for the rioters, who brought this and why? This makes someone an accessory to the crimes.

Chicago Stands Down

In Chicago, the police have been ordered to stand down, just like what Minneapolis did which led to the police department being destroyed. There are sympathizers among the ranks who are allowing this to happen. The Chicago mayor is one of them, she is making this political.

Standing down only encourages the rioters to increase and spread.

NAACP Fuels The Fire

Leslie Redmond, president of Minneapolis NAACP added fuel to the fire saying,

What you’re witnessing in Minnesota is something that’s been a long time coming… If you keep murdering black people, the city will burn.

Redmond is supposed to be a man of higher education and these are the words he has at a time like this? People have been shot and killed in the riots already, law enforcement as well, buildings are not just being destroyed.

Military Becoming Involved

Predator drones are now flying over Minneapolis which can be armed with weapons, on American soil people.

Trump has now put the military police on alert for potential deployment. 1,700 more National Guard troops have been ordered into Minneapolis. If the are going to deploy, then they need the ability to stop the violence.

A presence will not help. A video I saw last night showed teenagers standing right in front of armed National Guard members making fun of them, making a complete mockery of the Guard.

Listen to Minnesota Governor Walz explain he is authorizing full deployment of the Guard, which has never happened in the state’s history. Unprecedented times my friends.

Anarchists Are Coordinating

In another photo, a car was flipped over with the symbol of Anarchy on it. You know, the A with a circle around it. Anarchists are being used to further erode the final pieces of fabric holding our nation together.

This is not grassroots, and we are seeing it all over our cities in a matter of days. Social media is also to blame, they block the truth, spread the lies, and promote violence.

For years the mainstream media has told us the conservative and his guns were going to throw down the government. That was a lie, these people are being led by evil powers to take down our government and what this nation stands for.

Minneapolis Continues To Burn

With the National Guard deployed last night in Minneapolis, a Post Office, Wells Fargo, and other businesses were destroyed.

Antifa Is Involved

All we are seeing is utter chaos and confusion, Satan brings that, it is his way, the communist way. All of this is destroying any useful coordination among the people.

Is this evidence of Antifa’s presence?

What is Antifa?

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-capitalist views, and subscribe to a range of ideologies such as anarchism, socialism, communism, liberalism and social democracy.


Not Grassroots

What we have witnessed for the last few days is not a grassroots movement, but a very well organized endeavor. Thousands upon thousands of people do not just suddenly come together without coordination.

It is most likely Antifa and other groups involved with social media being the tool used for communication which essentially enables and promotes these crimes by keeping it on their platform.

Divide And Conquer

Listen to the Words of Jesus Christ,

Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.

Matthew 12:25

That is just a fact of life. Our nation is extremely divided right now, more than ever before and it continues to escalate. There can only be one true evil source behind all of this. Satan and “the rulers of the darkness of this world” are pressing chaos to the fullest, (Ephesians 6:12).

First is was the manufactured crisis called COVID-19, now it is riots across our nation. We have a clash of race, politics, religion, and so on. This will only further divide the people which is exactly what Satan must accomplish to bring down America.

Remember, in order to bring about a new world order, the old world order must be destroyed. This all plays a part in that. Do not get sucked into political or race games. This is about control, taking away your rights, they have simply cued the next crisis which will see more government intervention as we have seen with COVID. It is all tied together.

Stay safe my friends, our prayers are with you all.

Be not terrified: for these things must first come to pass.

Luke 21:9
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