Riots Can Continue, But Not Church Service

Due to the riots, we have quickly forgotten about COVID-19 and the illegal draconian restrictions government has imposed do to it. Churches in many places cannot congregate, yet uncontrolled riots are okay. In fact, the Supreme Court seems to agree.

The Supreme Court just rejected a case from a California church that wants to provide their regular church service to some 200-300 people. The Supreme Court said no due to COVID-19.

This is illegal and an outrage.

Meanwhile, the cities in our nation are being burned and looted. The riots at this point have nothing to do with George Floyd. I have seen numerous videos of all races rioting and saying the revolution has begun. This is about changing our country at this point. These people hate this nation. Numerous videos show people with American flags being beaten and the flags stomped.

Where is the respect for the freedoms these people enjoy?

I digress.

Rioters Immune To COVID-19

Apparently, COVID-19 does not affect those in large riots, only your Sunday church service.

Fortunately, there are some churches who have a little brass and are finally opening their doors. In fact, hundreds of California churches are opening.

We need more of this, and we need more leaders reaching out to law enforcement and our local elected officials. Communication is key here.

We need to bring resolution. It seems unlikely, but we must always try to do what is right. Never be a quitter. Encourage your church congregation to open. Encourage your church congregation to work with other denominations to open together. There is safety in numbers.

I am trying to bring a positive outlook here among chaos. When I look at the current situation the grand plan to destroy our government and bring about a new world order is unfolding before our eyes. We will be told the riots have spread COVID-19 which will cause more problems later down the road. Forget the fact that it is a fabrication of reality.

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