Saudi Arabia Oil Refineries Attacked, Iran To Blame

Yesterday marked a major escalation in the tensions between Iran and the West. A reported drone strike on several oil refineries in Saudi Arabia shut down half of the countries refining capacity. Reports state the drone strike was carried out by the Yemeni Houthi rebels who, wait for it, are backed by Iran.

It is worth noting, Saudi Arabia has been bombing Yemen for years now. Assuming the Houthi rebels are to blame for this attack, it was simply pay back, though I am not seeing much in the media about this perspective right now.

The Mainstream Media

What I am seeing in the media is laughable, almost as if it is intentionally fabricated and thrown in our face.

What am I talking about?

How about these quotes.

The rebels have flown drones into the radar arrays of Saudi Arabia’s Patriot missile batteries, according to Conflict Armament Research, disabling them and allowing the Houthis to fire ballistic missiles into the kingdom unchallenged. – AP

You read that right, Saudi Arabia has the U.S. Patriot surface or air missile system in place and they could not manage to knock these drones out of the sky.

What kind of drones are we talking about here?

Houthi rebels have been using drones in combat since the start of the Saudi-led war. The first appeared to be off-the-shelf, hobby-kit-style drones. Later, versions nearly identical to Iranian models turned up. Iran denies supplying the Houthis with weapons, although the U.N., the West and Gulf Arab nations say Tehran does. – AP

The Houthi rebel drones are hobby aircraft that your children are buying down at the store. I tell you what, I have played with quite a few of these, but they certainly do not have the ability to carry a payload. Just enough to carry one of those parachute army men you drop from the sky.

Yet, with hobby drones and supposed Iranian drones, they managed to disable Saudi Arabia’s U.S. Patriot Missile System, and destroy half of their oil refining capability.

I was born at night folks, but not last night.

U.S. Blames Iran For Saudi Attacks

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has already blamed Iran for the attacks calling them an “unprecedented attack on the world’s energy supply”.

The Saudi Coalition has already said they will investigate and respond to these attacks.

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham is calling for President Trump to attack Iran. He continues stating,

Iranian supported Houthi rebels who attacked Saudi oil refineries is yet another example of how Iran is wreaking havoc in the Middle East. The Iranian regime is not interested in peace – they’re pursuing nuclear weapons and regional dominance.

And here I thought it was the U.S., whose 30-year involvement in the Middle East was wreaking havoc in the region. I sure am glad Lindsey cleared that up for me.

Iran Denies The Allegations

Iran has denied and dismissed the allegations brought against them that they were behind last night’s attack on the Saudi Arabian oil refineries. We all know Iran had nothing to gain by attacking Saudi Arabia’s oil installations, but everything to lose.

Negative Sentiment Toward Iran

Back in June, you may recall an oil tanker that was damaged in the Strait of Hormuz. The U.S. government blamed it on Iran as well, yet the owner of the tanker actually disputed the U.S. report, (see: U.S. Blames Iran For Gulf Tanker Bombings, Iraq Rocket Attack).

On and on it goes, globalists are looking for anything and everything they can to incriminate Iran in order to bring about a war.

Back in May, U.S. bombers arrived in Qatar as Trump failed to rule out military action against Iran. Also in May, President Trump stated, If Iran Wants To Fight, That Will Be The Official End Of Iran.

The Timing Of It All

I find the timing very interesting. Just days ago reports surfaced that Israel has been caught placing spying devices around the White House. I am sure the entire thing will be swept under the rug at this point. Especially, since our attention is now, once again, back on Iran.


In the end, it does not matter if Iran did it or not, they will be blamed and a conflict is going to break out. Iran is one of the last nations, and the strongest of them who is not in line with the globalist system.

Further, God’s Word tells us Iran is heavily involved in the last days. You can ready about that in our Bible Study, “Daniel’s Vision: The Ram And The Goat.”

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