Scientist: Coronavirus ‘Will Be With Us Forever’

The article did not say if Sir Mark Walport, a former chief scientific adviser was a rocket scientist or not. He must be to have come to such a conclusion. Did anyone ever think the Coronavirus or any virus would just magically disappear?

I sure hope not.

Of course, COVID will continue to exist. Just as COVID has existed for who knows how long. Yet, this wizard known as Sir Mark warned,

“This is a virus that is going to be with us forever in some form or another and almost certainly will require repeated vaccinations. So a bit like flu, people will need revaccination at regular intervals.”

Now we know why he made the statement.

“Sir Mark” is no doubt Europe’s version of Trump’s Dr. Fauci. You know, the guy who is on Bill Gates vaccine board.

So the goal is to persuade the public to accept a vaccine each and every year. At “regular intervals”, just like an oil change and the ol’ flu vaccine. I wonder who will make billions off of this one, not to mention the added control over the people…

Guess what?

We do not accept a flu vaccine and we will not accept a COVID vaccine. We are doing just fine over here with a good diet and plenty of fresh air. They can have my shot and double up if they like!

Folks, this is all about conditioning the people to accept a radical global agenda. The agenda is the same all across the globe, control the people through fear. Yale University even has a brainwashing experiment you should learn about, they want to persuade you to accept a COVID vaccine.

Keep God first and foremost in your life, and always think things through.

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