Scientists Call For Population Control In Order To Save Earth

11,000 “experts” from around the world are now calling for critical action to be taken concerning mankind’s activities on our planet. Of course, we are once again being told mankind is causing climate change and our actions will have disastrous results for our planet. Unfortunately,  we have a lot of problems with these so called experts.

Scientists Call For Population Control

Let’s get more of the story from Bloomberg,

The scientists make specific calls for policymakers to quickly implement systemic change to energy, food, and economic policies. But they go one step further, into the politically fraught territory of population control. It “must be stabilized—and, ideally, gradually reduced—within a framework that ensures social integrity,” they write.

First, the people were taxed by globalists for “carbon emissions”. Now, they seek to reduce the world’s population in order to solve this “climate change problem”.

These policies and thoughts are not created in a silo, these thoughts and ideals have been in place for many years. They are promoted by those looking to consolidate the world’s governments into a single global structure.

The globalists simply use the various powers of the world, whether they be governments, education centers, finance, even religious institutions to promote their one world agenda. While that may not always be clear, if you listen long enough, and hard enough, it always rings true.

When I hear anyone call for population control, the first thought that enters my mind is the Georgia Guidestones that were erected back in the 1970s. That is one of the stated goals of the globalists, to reduce the world’s population to under 500 million people from today’s population of over 7.7 billion people.

This is a great example that lets us know, liberal globalists have been seeking to remove you and your family from this planet for some time now.

Man-made Climate Change Is A Hoax

The next thing we need to understand is “global warming” or “man-made climate change” is not the problem. In fact, during the 1970s Time Magazine discussed global cooling, which of course never transpired.

Now scientists are telling us global warming is the problem. According to some, we should have boiled to death by now, but the earth keeps on ticking, imagine that, (Genesis 8:22).

What we need to understand is climate change has been occurring since our Heavenly Father created this beautiful planet, it is normal and continual.

Look, the glaciers of the world have been consistently melting for the last 10,000 – 20,000 years. Yes, far before mankind stepped foot on the scene. So global warming has been a reality for thousands of years at this point, man had nothing to do with it.

Mankind Is Destroying The Earth In Other Ways

None of this is to say mankind has not caused problems for the earth.

We have.

In fact, we have destroyed species of animals, plants and other creatures.

We have polluted our world, and our oceans are so full of plastic, it is now in your table salt.

We fill the sky above our cities with pollution from vehicles to factories.

We try to alter the weather with aerial spraying called geo-engineering, on and on we could continue the list.

Yes, we have done those things, but do not blame all of earth’s changes on mankind. Most of the changes are quite natural, temperature wise that is.

The root cause of many of these troubles aforementioned can be placed on those with absolute greed. Those who can never be satisfied with a profit, instead, they must maximize their profits no matter the cost.

That is the primary reason why our planet has become so polluted. Though the rest of us do not help matters much by purchasing their products and services which contribute to the problem.

God Will Destroy Those Who Destroy The Earth

I want you to turn your Bible with me for a moment to the book of Revelation.

Revelation 11:18
18 “And the nations were wroth, and thy wrath came, and the time of the dead to be judged, and the time to give their reward to thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and to them that fear thy name, the small and the great; and to destroy them that destroy the earth.”

This event transpires after the Seventh Trumpet.

This will be the moment in time when Great Babylon is destroyed and Satan who is the antichrist will be bound in the symbolical pit for a one thousand year period of time, (Revelation 20:3).

Your take away is that our Father is extremely upset with those who “destroy the earth”, certainly those who do it for a buck.

Hey, that buck may be in their pocket today, but it is gone tomorrow, and considering God’s Future Kingdom on earth, I certainly would not mortgage my place there for a dollar.

Something to think about my friends…

Be Aware Of False Science

Lastly, while I enjoy the sciences, we have to be careful what we accept from the science community as fact.

Just as we have mainstream media, we have mainstream science. But understand, not all scientists agree with these 11,000 experts. Not all scientists are anti-God, many of them understand our Heavenly Father is real and He is the Creator, while others understand something much bigger than ourselves is at play.

Unfortunately, we are only hearing from these 11,000 experts as it fits into the globalist agenda.

This brings me to my final point, turn your Bible with me to.

1 Timothy 6:20
20 “O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:”

We are to avoid “profane” (Strong’s: G952) which is “wicked”, and “vain babblings” (Strong’s: G2757) which is “empty” conversations.

We are to be aware of oppositions to God from those within the science community.

That is right from our Heavenly Father’s Word.

Never throw the baby out with the bathwater. Not all science is incorrect, but when we are told we need to reduce the world’s population in order to save the planet, your ears should perk up.

For me, this point of discussion provides further evidence that we are living in the last days.

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