Silence Supports People Like Seattle Mayor Who Promotes #CHAZ Gardens

I have to share these Tweets with you all this morning. I continue to read more and more about people silencing themselves due to fear. Even our audience seems silent of late. Maybe you have bought into the lies, I do not know. I just know this is the movement many are scared of speaking out against…

This is the Seattle Mayor who went to “CHAZ” (Capital Hill Autonomous Zone, a section of Seattle taken over by radicals) and actually promoted what they call a “garden”.

See for yourself.

Hey, there is no racism in CHAZ! That sign must have been installed by your local white supremacist.

Come on folks, this is comical. A cardboard base with an inch and a half of soil. That garden is going to be great!

Listen to this guy explain, ‘white people should give colored people, especially blacks $10 bucks right now if they are down with the cause’.

I thought this was about equal rights?

No, it’s not about rights at all. It is about overthrowing our country. It is about overthrowing the idea of freedom and replacing it with socialism and communism. Did you miss the fact they keep tearing down our monuments?

There is protection in numbers. The more of us who speak out, the stronger we become. The mainstream media would have you believe everyone is in agreement with people like this. Companies are jumping on board too, why? Because it’s popular. Speak out and make it not popular. Don’t be a do nothing.

Ah, base camp of the looney left!

More gardens and notice, they all have these little fences for what purpose?

How the Mayor of Seattle and Governor of Washington can protect these animals is beyond me. Why the people of Washington are not demanding an end to this is faaaarrr beyond me!

There are numerous videos and reports of these animals causing harm to others, rape, and so on.

This is a liberal utopia and they want to bring it to your city. Keep being silent, and you just may get it.

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